Chapter 4

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I didn't know what else to do but giggle when the 5 boys made that comment. Haha I was just kindve standing there while they checked out my body and I started to feel uncomfortable and said hey back to taylor. He looked at me and bit his lip.

"Are you Liberty", asked Nash

Yea I'm Liberty and I already know what's going on right now and I understand and let me just grab my bag from inside and we can get the show on the road okay babe?

They all said okay very merrily!

As soon as I turned around to grab my bag I heard footsteps from behind it was Taylor and he was running up from behind me and I figured that what I was wearing might've possible turned him on because he kept staring at my ass. As I leaned down I purposely went bent down slowly pushing my butt out more, I have credit to theses leggings they were helping a lot. Right before I gripped my bag taylor sneaked up behind me and said, "Do you mind"? referring if he could pick up my bag and I said knock your self out tay. Wait is it okay if I call you tay?

"Sure anything you want babe"!

I just blushed and slowly started to walk away because I was starting to get all fan girly and I didn't want to over react. When I stepped outside they leaded me to the bus as I walked up the steps I then again purposely made my butt push out and make the steps last longer. I walked right on the tour bus and there was a big leather couch attached to the wall and I sat down and made myself comfy. They all piled on to the bus and sat across from me at a table but they turned their chairs to face me. I really had my eye on taylor because I felt like he was the hottest on the bus and I always wanted to do so many things to him and now that I'm on the bus with him for those reasons I feel very courageous about trying them. I decided to break the awkward silence and ask them what the plan.

They all started talking at the same time, I could tell they were all nervous because they kept studdering. I then told them to talk one at a time.

Nash spoke up

Nash's P.o.v.
We'll Liberty you obviously know why your here with us and you seem okay with that right

"Yea it's cool with me if it's cool with you". Liberty stated.

Anyways I have typed this up.. Um. This is your. Umm.... Sex... Schedule...


Monday- Matt

Tuesday- Nash

Wednesday- Shawn

Thursdays- Cameron

Friday- Taylor

Saturday- Freeday

Sunday- Fun Day

"Um nash what does fun day mean"?

Oh fun day means whatever you want fun to be that day for example shopping, out to eat, or like the movies. Whatever your choice of fun is, okay?

"Okay"! Liberty replied.

So want to play 21 questions, Liberty edition?

"Awe nash you don't need to be to nice and name a game off me! Lol"! Said Liberty

Everyone agreed and I started off by asking Liberty if she was a virgin. She happily states no but laughed while she stated her answer.

"So Liberty do you have a boyfriend"? asked Cameron.

"Sadly no baby"! said Liberty

"Liberty who do you want to sleep with first, taylor proudly asked.

"Umm taylor I'm not quite sure but you all seem very nice so i don't really care"! Liberty replied

After all the questions were asked we all decided it was time to go to sleep.

Since it was Friday it was Taylor's night however we sleep in bunks that are above and below each other so I'm curious if they're going to do anything or not?.....

*Liberty's p.o.v.*
That game was actually very fun, I didn't feel at all awkward I think I'm starting to like these guys they're not so bad... Hehe yet. Tonight's Taylor's night and I'm very positively ready for him but we sleep in bunks and I'm not comfortable because we're right above all the guys and there only a curtain to close your bunk with. I think I'm going to go talk to to taylor about this...
I hope up on the very top bunk and say hi to taylor.


So I was wondering if we could lay off tonight only because there's no privacy and were right above everyone and I don't necessarily feel comfortable doing this in front of all the boys.

"Hey Liberty I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do if you want to just spoon tonight we can just do that okay babe"?

Ok taylor sounds fun I'm going to change be right back

"Ok Liberty "

I feel really bad for not giving taylor what he wants but we know it's for the best. I want to show taylor some sling tonight because were not doing anything sexual so I decide to wear less than usual. I throw on a pink laced push-up braw, long Adidas socks, And really tight cheerleading Cotten shorts that shape out everything. As soon as I walked out I got pulled back in the bathroom not realizing what was going on. It was taylor i started to blush.

Taylor what are you doing?

"Liberty you can't wear things like that because then it make me want to do things to you" ( his breath was all over my neck and his raspy voice was turning me on).

I decided to say,"well you will just have to look and not touch",I said it in a baby voice. It turned him on I could tell because he pulled be closer to his warm body. I started to get the chills so I got out from under his grip and ran to the bunks. Then of course the boys whistled at me and said your so fucking lucky right now taylor. I then jumped up onto Taylor's bed and laid in a position where I was resting on my side with my leg bent and my head resting on my hand and said,"Taylor come here babe".

He then came over to the bed and pulled me in and said we can always make out and get touchy but no sex is that okay because your turning me on right now"?

I agreed and pulled him up and shut the curtains. He laid down and I straddled him as soon as I got ontop of his lap I banged my head on the ceiling and leaned over onto his chest and we just laughed as he held me in his arms and drifted off to sleep in each other's arms forgetting about making out. And that was okay.

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