Chapter 10

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Liberty's p.o.v.
As I started waking up I look over to my sides and Cameron and taylor were there laying down they were so cute when they were sleeping. I didn't want to wake them so I got up and as soon as I did I collapsed right to the ground causing a loud sound the boys didn't even move surprisingly. I pulled my bag over to me and pulled out a new bra, thong, black bra crop-top, and ripped high waisted shorts. I successfully managed to slip them over my cast. Oh shit I just had a threesome in a cast.. Haha gold star for me. After I a got dressed I went into the bathroom and brushed my sex hair and teeth and walked out and into the couch area. I plopped myself down and flipped open my MacBook. I scrolled through Twitter and realized there was a photo tagged with me in it. I clicked on it and it was me and Cameron laying in our bed the other night after taylor beat me up. It was on Cameron's profile and maybe that's why I gained 8.5k followers. They shipped us a LC. I loved it but then I thought back to taylor. He's really good in bed but I still have feelings for him even after everything that he did to me. I don't know I need to decide who I'm going to pick...

Taylor's p.o.v.

I woke up confused as of where I was I then looked over and there was Cameron my best friend naked. I felt so sick as soon as I saw him like that. I vomited in my mouth while looking at his ass. I didn't know what happened all I remember was smoking a blunt outside the bus last night and then everything went black. I slipped my clothes on and walked into the couch area and there was Liberty. She looked up at me and giggled. She asked me if I enjoyed last night. And I told her I didn't even remember what happened because that was the truth. She then came and sat on my lap and lets just say she looked sexy in a crop-top and booth shorts. She told me what we did and I instantly just laughed and said Liberty please don't tell the boys I was high and didn't know what I was doing, Cameron on the other hand was probably just horny and didn't know what he was doing. She just laughed and walked over to her side and got back onto her computer.

Cameron's p.o.v.
I looked around the room and Liberty was gone. I then realized that I did some pretty gay shit last night. I then just laughed and slipped on sweatpants and a Cameron Dallas hoodie and walked into the couch area. Liberty and Taylor were out there. Liberty didn't look up but taylor did and said I won't say anything if you won't. I quickly agreed and sat next to Liberty and rested me hand on her thigh. She quickly looked at me and said,"not right now I'm busy". I then quickly shut down her computer and told her she wasn't anymore. I then got up and ran into the bedroom and grabbed the pillows for defense. She quickly ran in after and ran up to me I then lightly smacked her with the pillow and she fell, she said her leg hurt and I went down to see if she was okay but she tricked me and pulled me down with her. She then straddled me and took my arms and laid them by my side. She then stood up put her arms down and lightly came down and started to grind on me. She's very good at the grind on me dance haha because she was starting to make me horny. I then pulled her close and told her to stop because she was causing my dick to rise up. She then started to get up but as she did she placed her hand on my dick through my pants but played it off as an accident but I knew she wasn't kidding, little sneak.

Liberty's p.o.v.
I don't know what to do I have feelings for both Cameron and taylor and I don't know what to do. I then walked outside and and sat against the bus with my computer I put the headphones in my ears and played, All Of The Stars by Ed Sheeran. He's my favorite singer and I would have little ginger kids with him. He was so kind I didn't know him but through his music and interviews he seems like a gentleman. Suddenly I heard the door shut and it was taylor. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him and resting his chin on my head. He then asked me what i was thinking about and I came out and said it.

Taylor the truth is I have feelings for you and Cameron and I don't know who to decide I want to be with because your both gentleman and that makes it harder on me to pick. I don't know what do to.

"We'll Liberty were going to head to the house tomorrow, where your going to stay with us, and I think once you get your own room you'll have down silence and quiet to really think about things. I wouldn't even worry about it you have all the time you need don't even sweat it okay babe'?

Ok taylor!

Cameron's p.o.v.
I wondered where Liberty was so I went outside and she was there with taylor and it looked as if there was smoke coming from I'n front of them and heading back and I instantly got worried. I then ran up to them and taylor and Liberty were smoking weed. Taylor what the fuck did you do.

"She was stressed and I gave her a hit and now she keeps asking for it so I'm giving it to her"!

Taylor get the fuck away from her

I then took it out of Liberty's hand tossed it somewhere and took her back on the bus and she just fell onto the couch and said Cameron I love you. I didn't say anything because I was on my phone and not paying attention. She then came up to me pecked me on the lips, hopped up to her bunk and drifted off to sleep I then joined her and wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep together because I couldn't resist her presence!

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