Chapter One

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Chapter One

I rode Priss through the woods. The soft pink and purple flowers blowing in the small breeze. My mare's nostrils flair as she lets the scent of the flowers waft through her nose.

She snorted as she got some pollen in her nose. I laughed at her swinging her head around and patted her neck.

She walked on, jumping as she stepped on a twig. We walked on and I knew a road would come up within the next three miles. I had to go across the road once and ride for four more miles and do a loop riding another three miles over the road again and back to the barn.

A squirrel scurried out and my mare stopped. The squirrel scampered over to my mare and crawled on her head. The squirrel then proceeded to drop a sugar glider baby on my mare's head. My mare didn't move. The squirrel had a saddened look on his face as he left. I picked the baby up and put it in my bag. I'd have to feed it. I had a sugar glider once but he passed away of old age.

I was saddened thinking of my old glider remembering the baby in the bag. I would have to ride slower and take a short cut back to the farm on the other side of the road. I didn't want the glider to die. It was a girl and barely had her eyes open. Poor squirrel must have found her in his nest and couldn't care for it.

"Come one Priss. We have to get this baby home." The mare nodded her head and started off slowly.

I heard comotion as we neared the road. I thought nothing of it. We road across the trail and to the road. I looked up and saw nothing coming.

I pushed my horse to cross the road and she walked into the road. We got to the middle of the road and I heard something coming.

"PRISS! RUN!" I yelled, kicking her sides. She reared to run but it was to late. The impact from the vehicle flung me from my horse and I landed on my leg. My bag was against my chest in hopes not to hurt the glider. I opened the bag when I landed and saww the glider was okay.

I looked down at my leg and screamed. My leg was split and broken. I dared myself to look up and saw a woman running towards me. I screamed at the pain.

"My mare!" I yelled, sounding weak and strangled. Her mouth opened to say something hut she shook her head and began crying.

"No!" I screamed. It couldn't have happened. It was my fault.

I opened the bag again and took the glider out. I had to check what was still living.

"A glider?" The woman asked. All I did was nod. I took one glove off of my hand and put my finger to it's mouth to see if it would suck my finger.

I let out a sigh of relief when it did. It was alive.

"Is it okay?" The woman asked. I nodded, suddenly a pang if pain hit my leg. I yelled again and the woman then realized my smashed leg.

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