Hi, it's you.

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Missy was standing alone by the old dying tree, when she saw a young good looking man staring at her. She could be flattered if he were some strange guy. But she knows that Brown hair and crazy smile on his pretty face. Tear went down upon her face as he winked at her. Missy turned around and she was ready to leave. But sudenly she felt something cold on her neck. It was hand, cold as a hand of dead man. It was him. It was her. He covered her eyes with his hands, and with giggling he asked ,,Hey, who are you?" She hit him right in to the stomach. Then she grab him and pushed him against the tree. With death in her eyes she smiled and answered ,,Hi, it's you." He stared at her for a while and than he realised. ,,Oh. What a lovely paradox. How did I get here?" Her eyes went darker when she pointed her umbrella at the sky. She was finaly becoming good, and the Doctor was helping her with it. He didn't trust her of course. But it was mutual. She killed a lot of creatures, and he killed so much more then she could even imagine. But doctor's primitive companions always hated her, because she was the killer. Doctor didn't tell them his own story probably. But they hated Missy so much, that they throw her to the space, when she was sleeping in the Tardis.
While she was thinking about it. Young man looked very curious. ,,The Master." said Missy. ,,I missed you."

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