Wrong Time

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The doctor came out of his TARDIS. Well came out... more like storm out, ran out. Whatevs. Suddenly he froze and he looks from Missy to Master. ,,What the hell?!" Grey haired Scottish man started yelling. ,,You can't be here!" Said as he looked at Masters pretty face. ,,And you can't interfiere. What a coinsidence." Said Missy calmly. Master was playing with thoughts like ignore her or absolutly love her behaviour. She was so perfect. She looks so over thing. He felt so safe right there with her. And he doesn't care for Doctor at all. What that old man could tell, that he didn't know? Nothing really. He wasn't really sure when that happend, but Suddenly he realised, that he's holding her hand, while she didn't even tried to kill him! Well now that was sweet.

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