Yes, You Are.

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The Master saw a smile on her face, just a little one, but it was there, and he was glad. Because she deserved to be finaly happy, he loves her so much, she didn't even know. He tried to hold the tears. It was so hard. He was so proud of her. She was so beautiful and strong. He knew it's gonna happend one day, but he couldn't really imagine. There were so many things, that he wanted to tell her, but he couldn't, 'cause he was somebody else, he wasn't prepared yet. ,,I remember, that you said you wouldn't travel with the Doctor under any circumstances." She looked at him and he felt, like she was looking right throught him. He didn't realised how she felt. They were standing there together, and alone at the same time. ,,The Master, who doesn't change his opinions loves himself more than the truth. And I'm not the Master." she said. ,,Yes, you are. You can't just deny it like that, and lie to yourself." He replied.
Sound of the TARDIS interrupted them.

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