Best Friend//Tradley

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Brad and me have been very distant. Something happened between us that one of us would rather forget. The other one would do it again.
It's not like the relationship between best friends should be.
Best friends should hang out, care about each other or laugh at stupid jokes.
But we barely see each other, once a week for band practice and then we don't talk. He sings in the front, I play drums in the back. I don't like to remember the story, because Brad stopped talking to me after it. It hurt, but I didn't know how to change it.

It was three weeks ago. Brad's parents went on a trip together and it happened whatever would happened if some bored teenagers are home alone over the weekend: Brad threw a big party. As a band, we knew pretty many people. We weren't big, but big enough to count at least 150 people at that party.
„Brad", I said. „Are you sure this was a good idea? What if your parents find out? They're gonna kill you!" Brad just sighed. „Don't kill the mood, Tris. It's my party and my problem. Just try to have fun or go home, okay?"
Then he walked away from me. Other than me, Brad was only 17. He wasn't allowed to drink strong alcohol and yet he still did it.
I didn't even try to keep him from drinking because I knew, I wouldn't succeed.
So many people I had never seen before were all over Brad's house, which I knew so well.

I just grabbed a beer from the fridge and looked at Brad from far away. He was talking to different pretty girls and became more and more drunk every minute.
„Tris!", I heard someone calling my name over the noise. A few seconds later, the person sat down next to me on the sofa, from where I had been staring at my best friend.
„Hey Con", I said. „You know that you're not allowed to drink that", I pointed out, staring at the shot in his glass. „And you know that I don't care", he answered with a smile.
Connor took a sip. „What are you staring at?", he asked.
„Brad", I replied. „We had kind of a small fight earlier." „Oh", Connor replied. „Was it over alcohol? I know you don't like it when me and Brad drink, but you should stop being so overprotective. We're just trying to have fun."
I shook my head. „You can also have fun without alcohol. But no, it was over the party in general. I didn't want him to get into trouble."
Connor let out a laugh. „Come on, Tris, you're like a dad that just got a child. You're 18 and not 48, go live your life for a bit."
„But what if we're gonna get in tr-", I started to protest, but Connor interrupted me immediately. „Shut up, Tris. Forget the rules for a bit and you're 18 anyway. Have fun!"
I sighed. „You know what, you're right. I'm gonna have fun." Connor smiled at me. „Was it so hard? Now, go and get yourself some hot girls!"
I grabbed Connor's glass from his hands - he shrieked in surprise - and drank it all up. „I'm gonna have fun", I said again and walked away, but more to myself.

In the end, I hang around Brad's „bar", which was nothing but the kitchen table, and drank shots. I hated myself for telling Brad not to and doing it myself in the end.
„It's Connor's fault", I mumbled and poured more alcohol into my glass. I didn't even talk to girls. No one started talking to me and I wasn't really in the mood anyways. I had told myself that I'd have fun, but I wasn't.
I had to apologize to Brad. With a new bottle of alcohol I left the bar and went to find my best friend. My head hurt already and I couldn't walk straight. Wherever I looked, I didn't find Brad. Random people I'd never see before where pressed against me, the house was too small for so many people at once.
I really hoped Brad wasn't in a random room doing something with a random girl what he would regret in the morning.
But if he did, I couldn't keep him from doing it, he'd hate me forever and that's not what I wanted. I didn't want to be a „mood-killer."
„Brad!", I screamed the name of my friend, but of course he didn't answer.
I made my way upstairs and opened the door to his parent's bedroom, but I closed it again immediately after seeing random people making love on their bed. I prayed for Brad that his parents didn't find out about this, he's gonna be a dead man.
Next room I checked was Brad's own room. The nice person I am, I knocked on the door before entering the room. What I saw, surprised me a lot. Brad wasn't with anyone else, no girl, not even Connor or James. Only alcohol.
„Brad?", I asked. „Are you okay?"
He looked up. „Oh, it's you", he said. Did he not want to see me? Was I being so annoying earlier? „Do you want me to leave?", I asked.
„No, please. I think it's cool that you're here."
I walked towards him and sat down beside him on his bed. „Are you someone who gets emotional when they're drunk?", I asked him. He nodded slowly. „A hug is probably what I need right now."
Of course I did what he wanted from me and wrapped my arms around him. „I came to say sorry", I started. „I'm sorry for acting like a dad. You can do whatever you want. It's just, you're like a brother to me. I guess I don't want you to grow up."
Brad laughed. „Don't be sorry, you were right. I'm under age and shouldn't drink. The party was a stupid idea, I'm not even having fun."
„Sorry to hear that. Maybe I can entertain you a bit if I stay?", I asked. „Yeah, thank you", he said and we stayed a bit like that, with my arms around him.
It was comfortable. I still heard the loud noise from downstairs but I managed to blend it out. Suddenly, Brad escaped from my hug. „Where are you going?", was what I wanted to ask, but he interrupted me by putting his finger on my lips.
„Sshh", he said. „Be quiet for once."
I slowly swallowed. And then I felt his soft lips on mine. He was a great kisser and I immediately kissed back without thinking about it. Connor told me to have fun and kissing Brad was actually quite nice. No, I really enjoyed it. Brad was needy, he kissed me over and over again, not getting enough.
And I kissed back. I licked his lips with my tongue, wanting to enter.
And he let me. I always imagined french kissing being disgusting, but I really liked it. Brad held onto my neck, pulling me closer and closer.
I blended out everything else. The people were gone. The music was gone. It was just me and my best friend.
Who I was making out with, what isn't exactly what best friends do, but I was drunk enough to not care. Brad's kisses were amazing, I couldn't get enough of him. I was taller and stronger than him, which made me throw him onto his back and kissing him from the top.
„You're amazing", I whispered and started kissing and sucking on his neck, leaving red marks. I pulled his sweaty shirt over his head and continued kissing his body.
He was beautiful. He was precious. And I wanted to make him feel that way. I wanted to give him all the love he deserved.
And I might have taken one step forward to achieve what I wanted.
We were both drunk and didn't think anout the consequences. „Do you really want to do that?", I asked my best friend and he nodded. „I've never wanted anything so bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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