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Me, George and Blake just finished our tour with The Vamps and it had been an amazing time seeing different countries and meeting different fans. But everything had to come to an end and now we just arrived back in our home country England. Since I lived a bit further away from Blake and George, I decided to stay with George over night, not wanting to go on a train this late. He didn't care and his family happily welcomed us at their house. I really missed my parents and couldn't wait to see them, but I was so exhausted from tour that I wanted to relax as soon as possible. I greeted George's parents and thanked them that I could stay over, but we rushed to his room right after.
He had a big bed so it was possible for me sleep in it too, but the thought of sleeping right next to my friend gave me a weird feeling.
'It's probably just because you're so tired' I said to myself and lied down.
"Do you already want to sleep?", George asked. "Let's watch a movie!" I sighed. "George, I'm so done. Can't we do that tomorrow before I leave?"
"No! I wanted to watch a horror movie and we can't do that during daytime, the whole atmosphere is gone then!"
I shivered. I never told the boys that I disliked horror movies because they might think I'm a loser. They scare me very easily.
"Okayy", I slowly agreed but not being comfortable at all. "Yay!", George said happily and opened Netflix on his TV. I really hoped the film George would choose isn't too scary or else it would be very embarrassing.
He put on a movie called "The Babadook", I'd never heard of it before but I don't watch these films anyways.

It didn't start too bad. A mother was reading a little good-night-story to her son, but it got creepy really soon. It was a movie about a nightmare creature or something like that, I pulled George's blanket up to my face and hid behind it. I didn't want to see that and I wish I never agreed on that. My ears weren't covered, so I could still hear the scary screams coming out of the TV. George was totally focused on the movie, he didn't even realize how uncomfortable I was.
Can't that movie be over already so I could go to sleep? Never mind, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep after this.

My eyes got a bit watery. No, that couldn't be! What if George sees this? He'll think I'm weak! That's what I always tried to hide.
"Woah, that was bloody!", George chuckled but I just let out a quiet sob. Suddenly, George turned his head and looked at me.
"Reece, are you okay?", he asked, obviously worried about me. "Do I look like I'm okay?", I asked him in tears. He turned off the TV. "Was it the movie? I'm sorry I didn't know you don't like this kind of films. I'm really sorry."
I whiped away some tears. "Yes, because I never told you, I never told anyone. I didn't want you to think I'm a loser."

George wrapped his arms around the crying mess that I was. "Reece", he started with his sweet voice. "I would never think that about you and Blake wouldn't either. You know we'll always stick to you. You won't get rid of us so easily. I would've choosed a different movie if you told me."
I sobbed. "I just wanna be a cool guy and cool guys aren't afraid of scary movies. Ugh, I don't wanna cry!"
George cuddled me. "Reece, I'll always love you the way you are and this little fact won't change that. I don't care what you're scared of, because you're Reece Bibby and you're the guy I love, no matter what."
I hugged him too. "Thank you so much, George. You're the best."
Cuddling George felt great. I felt safe in his arms, like the nightmare creatures could do nothing to me.

We stayed like this for a few minutes. Until I suddenly remembered what exactly George said to me to brighten up my mood.
"Wait, George", I said and my voice cracked. "You love me?"
His face flushed to a deep red. "I kind of hoped you didn't listen closely. But yeah, I guess it's out now."
He played around with my hair. "I've always loved you, Reece. Since the day I met you. I was so glad you joined our band and became our friend, but I always liked you a little more than that. I really hope that doesn't destroy our friendship."
I looked into his deep blue eyes.
"I don't wanna be your friend", I whispered quietly and George's face dropped.
"I wanna be your boyfriend, if you don't mind", I continued. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that."
"If I wouldn't love you so much, I'd definitely punch you now, that was mean! But yes, I'd love you to be my boyfriend!"

Ler's just say, we didn't really get much sleep this night, being lovey dovey and cuddling with my new boyfriend was way much more fun.
"I'll write a new oneshot when I have 100 reads"
"No I'm too lazy now, at 150"
"At 200"
Yeah I'm a lazy fuck lol but i finally wrote a new oneshot, thanks to @shadesongeorge and @newtmaslovelong for the request, hope you liked it

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