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The chilly wind caused a short shudder to flow through her body. Pulling her jacket close, she took in a deep shuddering breath. Gosh it's cold, she griped. She blow a puff of air into her shaking hands and sighed. Figures this would happen to her, she just had to get lost didn't she?

"Oh come on Shannon, let's go check out the woods!" She mimicked her friend's voice. She huffed, "I just had to be stupid!" She berated herself. If only she had stayed with the group.

She was currently on a "let's go check out the creepy woods near your house" trip, and boy were things look pretty bad.

The sun had long since set and it was getting colder by the moment. She was supposed to be with Miranda right now, but the darn girl was always running off. She ran a trembling hand through her hair and cursed under her breath.

"When I get back, I am going to murder you Miranda!" She shouted to no one. Leaning against a tree, she sucked in deeply; causing the cold air to enter her body and make her shiver. She looked around, everywhere she glanced there were trees. Everywhere she turned; there were trees. Her feet crunched over the snow as she started walking again. Boy what she wouldn't do for a hot chocolate right now, with extra whip cream and marshmallows.

As she trudged into the woods, it barely registered that she should jut stop and rest. She had been so focused on hopelessly making her way out that she couldn't see how tired her body was. She dropped down to the ground near a tree, she was panting and breathing heavily. Why couldn't she find her way home? Why did things have to be so hard.

She could feel her throat tightening, No! No! No! she scolded herself, she wasn't going to cry, she wouldn't cry. She could get through this, she could make it.

I can't, she thought, I can't. Her hands were throbbing and her chest hurt from the cold. She leaned her head back against the tree's rough bark, her eyes were slowly closing. That is until a sudden twig snapped. She looked up, eyes wide with alert.

"Hello?" She called out, "Miranda?! Miranda is that you?" She asked. She slowly stood up, groaning from the effort. She gasped softly as she could see a figure in the distance, it looked like a man's figure, she smiled slightly, "Cody!" She yelled out, her slow, sluggish walk quickly picked up as her heart began to leap for joy.

She slowed her pace when she started to near the figure. He hadn't moved for quite some time and it was starting to worry her. What if it was a rapist? A crazy person? Fear began to replace joy as she got closer. The only sense of hope she got was in she saw an orange striped backpack in the moonlight, "Cody!" She called happily, she ran to the said boy. She approached it, her hand outstretched to tap the boy, "Oh Cody, I'm so happy to see you. I thought I was going to be lost forever..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes widened in horror.

It was indeed Cody, but his twinkling blue eyes were cold and dead. As she looked closer, a huge slash could be seen on his throat. Blood was pouring out thickly, it was a fresh wound. But it was his face that made her want to scream loudly, adorning his face was a wide Chelsea smile.

She looked down at the ground, red covered the snow like a cherry flavored snow cone. Shannon swallowed and quickly stepped away from him, she could feel salty saliva forming in her mouth and she turned around a fell to the ground. A short second later, she was heaving out all her contents from today's lunch. She felt sick and horrified. She felt tears pricking in the corners of her eyes and she gasped for air.

"Oh Cody." She choked out, she stood up, "Cody!" She yelled. She was crying now. Her face was freezing from the cold of the air as it mixed with her wet cheeks. She muffled her cries by covering her mouth. She looked around fearfully, was the person who did this still hear? Was he watching her? She let out a small sob before she wiping away her tears.

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