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~ Victor's POV ~

    Hi! I'm Victor. I live in The Capital, the capital of Minecraftia. I'm a 16 year old boy. I have the coolest grandpa ever!! His name is Vikram. When he was younger, he and his friends had superpowers and they defeated Herobrine!! He and his friends were a group of boys that called themselves "the Pack". They were so cool! Now, I get to be like them!! Well, sort of. My friends are all grandchildren of the Pack, and together, we're the Pride, like a group of lions! I think that it's really cool. The best part about being a descendant of the Pack with superpowers, is that we're even more powerful than the Pack since they teach us things and we make up our own stuff! The kids in the neighborhood call me the Force of Life. I think that the name is epic! I wish that I could go on an adventure with the rest of the Pride like my grandpa Vikk did with the Pack.

"Victor? Could you take out the laundry please?" My mom asked. She's Vikk's daughter, Hazel. She doesn't have Vikk's powers though, none of the Pride's parents do. I kind of like it that way, because it makes me special.

"Sure!" I yelled back in my British accent.

"Don't forget your jacket!!" Grandpa Vikk reminded me. It's currently the beginning of winter so it's kind of cold outside. Well, gotta go!!

~ Lillian's POV ~

"Focus some more on the water Lillian," My grandpa said. I nodded, closing my eyes. I did as he told me, trying to part the small lake that I was standing in. When I opened my eyes, there wasn't a single drop of water surrounding me. Then I lost it.

"YES!!" I squealed, my thick Aussie accent ringing in my ears. My excitement caused me to lose my concentration. Losing my concentration caused the water to start closing in around me. I realized what I've done and braced for impact, my eyes closing instinctively. When I didn't feel it, I opened eyes. I saw my Grandpa Lachlan standing in the water with me. "Sorry Grandpa... I lost my concentration... again."

"It's alright Little Tide Pool, you just got excited. That's all." Grandpa Lachlan said. "Little Tide Pool" is nickname for me. He gave it to me when he discovered that I have the same elemental power that he does, water. Hi, I'm Lillian. I'm a 16 year old girl. My Grandpa Lachlan is on my dad's side. Everyone calls me the Riptide because of my reckless personality. I can speak dragon and my best dragon friend is Sparkz! "Cmon, Lillian. Let's try again."

"Ok Grandpa." I smiled. See you later!

~ Michael's POV ~

"You ain't ever gonna challenge me

  You ain't ever gonna damage me

  You don't wanna jump off the pedestal now

  All alone," I sang.

"You don't wanna make a fuss like this

 Cause I might blow you up like this

 You don't ever wanna be lost in the warzone

 Lost deep in the warzone!" Jennifer continued. Hi! I'm Michael. I'm Mitch, the BajanCanadian's grandson. My grandpa's the best! He teaches me all about cool spells and potions! He also taught me how to play the guitar. Jennifer tried, but she was to energetic, so she learned to play the drums. Together, we like to sing the songs that our grandpas wrote such as Warzone or Hunger Games. Jennifer is Jerome's granddaughter. She's also my best friend, which I think is super cool because our grandpas are also best friends! Both of us are 16 years old, but I'm a human boy and she's a bacca hybrid. We both love to play in Hunger Games like our grandpas.

"Failed, are the, the warzone, warzone." I heard coming from the door. I looked up.

"Hi Grandpa Jerome!!" Jennifer and I waved. Jerome isn't really my grandpa, but the rest of the Pride and I are so close, that we just call everyone in the Pack our grandpas.

"Hello Jenny! Hello Mage!" He waved back. Everyone calls me "The Mage" and Jennifer was named "The Living Bolt".

"Your fathers want to see you two!! Something about running errands." Grandpa Mitch told us.

"Oh... Ok!" Jennifer chirped, grabbing her coat. It looks like I gotta go. See ya!

~ Rebecca's POV ~

    I laughed with the wind, the thrill of flying filling me again. I loved flying!! Although, apparently, when I was younger, I accidentally made a tornado and Grandpa Robbie had to get rid of it. The wind always feels so good against my wings. I heard something tweeting next to me and saw my cute pet parrot, Coco. Grandpa Robbie told me that he used to have a friend called Choco, who was a chocobo hybrid, so I thought that it would be nice to have a bird-friend too! I found Coco in the jungle when Grandpa Jerome let me come with him and Jennifer when he was showing Jenny around the jungle. When I found Coco, he was alone and had a broken wing. I brought him home and nursed him back to full health. Since then, he hasn't left my side! Oh! Hi! I'm Rebecca, Woofless's daughter. I'm a 16 year old girl with superpowers. Yup. So normal. Everyone calls me "The Angel" since I have wings and I'm considered the "softest" out of the Pride. Suddenly something tackled me out of the air.

"Grandpa-a-a-a-a-a...." I wined jokingly. Grandpa Robbie laughed.

"Pay more attention to your surroundings Sky Drop!!" Grandpa smiled. "Sky Drop" is a nickname that my mom gave me when she found out that I could fly."You're gonna run into a tree one of these days. Wanna go for a fly by the beach? I can tell you more about the Pack's adventure!"

"Ok Grandpa!!" I smiled. Whoops, I'll be right back!

~ Patrick's POV ~

"This way Patrick!!" My grandpa yelled in excitement. We were in some sort of ancient ruins. We almost always are. Grandpa Preston and I like to explore and I must say that, for someone in their seventys, my grandpa is pretty active, even for a lava mob hybrid. Hey there!! I'm Patrick, Preston's grandson. I'm a 16 year old lava mob hybrid. People like to call me "The Eternal Flame" for some reason. It was something about my determination and competitiveness. I entered the room that my grandpa was in to see some words written on the wall.

"Grandpa? What does it say?" I asked. There was a picture of eight humans, a bacca hybrid, and a lava mob hybrid. They looked like they were fighting.

"Uhh... I... umm.... I don't know... I'll copy it and ask your Grandpa Mitch later..." He said. But that's an "A" in the ancient language... And Grandpa Preston knows the ancient language... What is he hiding?? I wondered. Maybe Grandpa Mitch will tell me. "Cmon! There's another room!"

Well, I guess I have to go then...

There we go!! I've been so excited to start this story and I'm so glad that the prologue is out!! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and are as excited for this book as I am!! Shout out to @Dolphinlv123 for letting me use Sparkz in this book!  Have an amazing day or night! Ok bye.

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