Chapter 8 : We're Fighting Gold Steve And That's That

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A/N YAY!! NO MORE "IT HAS TO BE THIS POV SO THAT IT MATCHES THE PICTURE!!"!! :3 I had originally looked for a picture of a normal cookie, but then I found this. I mean, COME ON GUYS!! IT'S SO LOVABLE!! IT'S COOKIE MONSTER POPCORN!!

~ Jennifer's POV ~

    After we all woke up, or should I say, after I jumped on everyone's bed, we packed up our items, said our parting words to Shadow and Darkness, and started traveling south to challenge Gold Steve. Victor is currently ranting on and on about how Gold Steve shouldn't be in a desert, but he should instead be in a mesa biome. When we asked why, he stated that mesa biomes are known to have a lot of gold mines. Then he started ranting again. I sighed, not really paying attention to what Victor was saying. Michael stuck his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and stared up at the sky, while Rebecca yawned. Patrick was kicking a piece of cobble stone. He had found it a while ago, and had been kicking it along the way ever since. Sparkz flew up into the air. Lillian seemed to be the only person who was actually paying attention to poor Vicky.

"Vick, no one's even listening anymore!" Michael sighed.

"HEY! NOTCH IS PROBABLY LISTENING! Raise your hand if you were actually listening to anything that I just said." Victor defended himself. Lillian raised her hand and looked down in mock shame. I playfully scowled and smacked her on the top of the head lightly. She laughed and held her head back up high. Rebecca smiled at us and soared higher into the air to see how much more distance we had to cover. Sparkz followed her just because he was bored. Still walking forward, Patrick watched the clouds in the sky. I wonder is something is on his mind... I thought. I won't poke my bacca nose into his business.


    It's been 2 days, and we still haven't seen a sign of gold. Today is a good day though. I think we all had a really good night of sleep, except for Patrick. Patrick was currently a little busy scarfing down cookies to get himself on a sugar high. We were all dreading that moment, but from the look of how many cookies he was eating, I think he's at somewhere around 32, the sugar crash was gonna hit him hard, and we were all going to finally have a few moments of peace. I glanced around at the rest of the Pride, and, again, from the looks of it, Michael and I were the only ones thinking about the sugar crash. He looked more relieved really. A very hyper Patrick was finishing off another cookie, though I don't know why we brought so many, Rebecca was looking very concerned for the hyper Patrick, and Victor weren't really paying attention to the situation at hand. Lillian and Sparkz were having a conversation that I couldn't understand.

     For a group, we were moving pretty swiftly today. Perhaps it was because we wanted to fight Gold Steve while Patrick can't feel his face and was still on a sugar rush. I was honestly sort of glad that the Steves attacked, because otherwise I wouldn't have spent so much time away from the Capitol without supervision, just my friends and I. I do love the Capitol, don't get me wrong, but there's never anything exciting about being cooped up in an apartment all day. It feels good to be on an actual adventure like our grandparents. There was one thing I was worried about though... Failing. Failing meant the absolute destruction and end of all of Minecraftia, but we weren't going to fail, right? No, Notch won't happen. I thought, sighing quietly. I looked up slightly to see Michael looking at me in concern, so I looked up and smiled by toothy grin. He smiled a dorky smile back, but didn't look convinced. Looking around, I noticed that Patrick had finally stopped eating cookies, and was now bouncing up and down, up and down, completely out of control. I also noticed that the terrain was becoming very sandy. SAND!! DESERT!! DESERTS ARE SANDY!! WE'RE HERE!! YUS!! I thought, getting excited. Victor saw he jumping around and looking at the ground. He smirked and walked in front of the group, turned around, and held out his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen -cough cough- along with baccas, dragons, and lava mobs -cough cough- I present to you, the Grand Desert!!" Victor announced, giving a large, overly dramatic, bow. Laughing and almost falling over, Victor stood back up as we all laughed with him. We kept moving, gold blocks popping up in various places. Victor, Michael, and Rebecca had all taken off their hoodies to reveal their black or white t-shirts. It's pretty easy to see the difference between black and white, unlike some other colors. Like Grandpa Jerome, I'm colorblind, scoring a five out of eight. (A/N That is what Jerome actually scored on a colorblind test. It's on his twitter somewhere. 2015 or something XD) Lillian was fine, since she had been wearing a thin t-shirt to begin with. I, on the other hand, was suffering. I didn't have anything under my sweater, and it wasn't helping that my thick fur traps the hot air and absorbs my sweat. I had taken my scarf off and rolled up my sleeves, but it hadn't done much besides take up more energy and make my neck slightly cooler. Patrick still had his PrestonStylez hoodie on and was loving this immense heat. He was still on his sugar rush, and it didn't look like he was going to knock himself out anytime soon. This horrid heat wasn't helping either. Sparkz seemed fine, which was probably a dragon thing. I groaned in discomfort, which caused Lillian to fill a bucket with ice cold water, offering it to me. I gladly accepted it and swallowed every last drop of water. Sighing in pure relief, I wiped my mouth and held the bucket up for Lilly to shove back into her inventory. She took it from my hands and put it away. Michael pat me on the back and started saying random things that I assumed were supposed to be encouraging, or maybe they were just to make me laugh. Dear Notch... WHY IS IT SO HOT?! Ugh... Never go south... I thought silently, until a new voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Huh. I've never seen a real bacca, dragon, or lava mob before."

There you go guys!! This chapter was meant to be a more... banterous chapter, and doesn't have much to do with the story plot. I feel like this chapy would have been more entertaining if I had set the POV as Patrick's and made the Pride fight Gold Steve while the spicy lava mob was still on a sugar high. XD Oh well, what's done is done. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!! GEE I WONDER WHO THE NEW VOICE IS!! Have a blessed day or night and comment... your favorite thing about cookies... yeah... Ok bye!!

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