Chapter 10 : What Even Is That Thing

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A/N The picture is mine. Ye.

~ Patrick's POV ~

    I carefully poked at the box, not knowing what was inside. Michael picked it up and put it on his lap. Lillian pulled out her trident and pointed it at the box, biting her lip and glancing around at us. Rebecca pulled out her sword and Victor did the same. I nervously heated up my skin, while Jennifer bared her fangs and grabbed Betty's handle. Sparkz growled, the spikes on his back sticking out a little to make him look bigger. Michael had his bow and arrow laid next to him, as he carefully opened the box. Call us paranoid sure, but who knows who sent this box. For all we know, it could be some psychopath who's pretending to be our grandpas. I thought as Michael cautiously opened the box. I winced in suspense as Michael huffed in amusement. He picked up a piece of paper that said, "Hah. We totally sent you a bunch of paper.  - Preston". Victor rolled his eyes as Jennifer growled in impatience and tore up the box to reveal a long, weird looking stick. Rebecca made a face that clearly said "THAT'S IT?", causing me to chuckle. The rest of the Pride groaned in disappointment as Sparkz laid on the floor and decided to fall asleep.

"What even is this thing?" Michael asked no one in particular. The stick was red, orange and yellow. It was perfectly straight until you reached the top where there was a circle with a hole in the middle. It had words engraved in it, words that I couldn't read.

"There's a note." Victor said, pushing aside some more of the paper that the stick was wrapped in. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and examined it. He unfolded the piece of paper and began to read it as we listened in. Max stayed silent. "Preston went adventuring - again - and found this stick. We aren't really sure what it is, but I believe that it's called a staff. I can't read Atlantean, but Preston told me that this is an ancient artifact that Patrick, specifically Patrick for some reason, should carry. It must be something about lava mobs, I don't know. It's magic.           - Mitch"

"Is it really magic? Or is Grandpa Mitch trolling us? Again." Rebecca asked.

"It's magic." Michael and I replied at the same time. Michael stared at me in surprise. He can probably sense the magical aura that this 'staff' gave off, but I don't have that ability. I pointed at the words on the staff.

"Grandpa Mitch was right about everything except for this. That's not Atlantean, it's Lavren, the language of the ancient lava mobs." I explained. Lillian looked at her trident and compared it to the staff.

"You must be right, none of the symbols are the same." Lillian agreed.

"Can you read it?" Victor asked me, as he gestured to the words on the staff. I nodded. "What does it say?"

"Those of my kind shall find the power of heat when my creation is held in their hands." I responded. Those words creep me out to be honest, but they make sense. "The staff was made by an ancient lava mob."

"How do you know?" Jennifer asked.

"I just do." I shrugged. "Lavren is  the language of my ancestors. Plus, Grandpa Preston wanted me  to hold onto it."

    Michael nodded and held the staff out to me. I bit my lip and hesitantly took it. As soon as I did, I felt energy rush into my body. It was painful, and it made me screech out in pain and anguish, but I held on. I grabbed the handle with my other hand as the energy flowed straight to my arms. I closed my eyes to try to ease the pain, but it didn't help much. I felt someone hug me tightly, and I leaned into their comforting touch. Everything in my body hurt, and I felt like every molecule in my body was being slowly pulled apart. Then it just stopped. I opened my eyes (A/N THEN I FELT A STRANGE BREEZE.) to see the words in the staff glowing. My eyes widened as lava started forming around my arms. Sparkz, Max and the rest of Pride gasped in shock and slight panic as the lava surrounded my arms. Seeing that I might accidentally start a house fire, I ran outside with the staff in my right hand.

"IS IT GONNA DO THAT EVERY TIME YOU HOLD IT?!" Lillian shrieked. I looked at my arms, which were now completely immersed in lava, and concentrated long and hard. Grandpa Preston ad never taught me how to control lava, but I know that he could. Maybe I can too... I thought.

"Move." I verbally commanded the lava around my arms. Max, the Pride, and I all watched in awe as the lava formed a cube in front of me. I was by far the most surprised and intrigued. "I've... I... I've never... I've never been able to do that before..."

"What, talk? No Patrick you talk a lot." Jennifer jokingly disagreed. Victor facepalmed, while Michael grinned at her. As Sparkz roared something that only Lillian understood, I held the staff out and tried some more stuff with the lava. I started making different shapes out of it until an idea popped into my head. Focusing all of my energy, I sculpted the lava into a gigantic lava dragon. Lillian squealed in happiness when she saw the dragon, as everyone else gasped in admiration. Sparkz looked like he wanted to hug the lava dragon, and destroy it at the same time. I hugged the staff to my chest before commanding the lava to sink into the ground, never to be seen again. Placing the staff back in my inventory, I smiled at Max, Sparkz, and the rest of the Pride.

"Now I see why Grandpa Preston wanted you  to keep the staff." Michael said, causing us all to laugh.

YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER!! Sorry these chapters are coming out so slowly guys, but at least I haven't put the whole book on hold!! I will most likely update every Wednesday. Anywho, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! I hope that you will have a blessed day or night!! Ok bye.

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