Part Three

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Two months later 

"Madhu, we can't waste any more time." Dipali tells her in a furious whisper. 

"Maybe I'll check one more time." Madhu tells her hopefully fighting back her tears. 

"We checked 7 times, Madhu! And it was the same every single time!" Dipali furiously tells her, she was really losing patience with Madhu. 

"Here, call RK." Dipali says as she passes her the mobile. 

With shaky hands Madhu picks up her mobile and speed dials 2. As the tears dropped she kept wiping them away lest anyone sees it. 

"WHAT THE HECK, MADHU?" RK furiously barks onto the phone. 

"RK... I want to talk to you." Madhu gently whispers and before he could say anything she tells him, "I am at the ground near our tree." 

Without waiting for his reply she quickly hangs up. 

"Is he coming?" 

Madhu nods her head knowing full well that he would come; he had a lot of screaming at her to do. 

Few minutes later she sees RK furiously coming towards her. 

"What the hell is your problem, Madhu?" RK furiously asks her. 


"Since thursday night I've been trying to talk to you and you won't answer my calls or call me back." 

"I messaged..." 

"Oh! Do you mean that I can't talk now. Will call you back.' message? You sent that on Thursday! After that nothing! Do you have any idea how worried I was?" RK furiously asks her. "I almost came to your house!!!" 

"Let her talk!" Dipali gently tells him. 

"Stay out of this, Dipali!" RK furiously tells her. 

"RK..." Madhu worriedly calls him. 

"Do you have any good excuse for making me go through hell these four days?" RK furiously asks her. 

"I am pregnant." Madhu tells him in a whisper. 

Eyes wide and speechless RK simply stares at her. 

"God! Say something, RK!" Dipali whispers to him worried seeing RK's reaction. 

"Pregnant?" RK asks Madhu in shock. 

Madhu nods her head as she cried. Seeing her cry, RK quickly moves forward and hugs her. 

"I am so scared." Madhu whispers as she cried hugging him. 

"We'll sort it out." RK gently whispers to her as he hugged her. 

"How?" Madhu asks him. 

"I know of a clinic. We can go there." Sultan whispers as he looked around making sure no one was listening. RK, Madhu, Dipali and Sultan were discussing and thinking of a way out. 

"Clinic?" RK asks frowning. 

"Is it good?" Dipali asks him. 

"I don't know. No one I know ever needed an abortion." Sultan tells her irritated. 

"Is it some good place?" Dipali asks. 

"Well... you can't go to a proper hospital. Someone will find out." Sultan tells her shrugging. 

Rishabala : Luck By Chance (Three Shots)Where stories live. Discover now