Chapter Fourteen

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It was strange for some reason. You were just really happy for no reason at all, was it the kiss? No that's not right, you are not romantic but Logan was handsome looking wasn't he. (Ashley's note: But didn't you guys go on a date? Like wha- why- I'm so confused)

No (Y/N) you can't think that.

You were just casually sweeping the floor humming as you go along. Then the phone rings. You pick it up with a shouting Maja.


"Ah shit." You muttered it was Jennifer's party how could you forget.
"Is Logan there?" You ask why do you keep thinking of him. (Ashley's note: Ah. So you're not the romantic type but- ohhhhhhhhh I get it)

"Yes now hurry your ass up." Maja snapped and hung up. Well geez Louise. Maja was in a bad mood today. Wonder what happened.

Okay so you have ten minutes to get to the venue oddly enough the venue was also were Jennifer and Jimin got married, nice. Running out of your apartment was not a great idea since the landlady was in the hallway and you kinda bumped into her but oh well. Oh wait, your car was in repair how would you get to your destination.

"Oi (Y/N)!" Thankfully your pray was answered Molly was driving with her camera still around her neck, must have only finished her shift.

"Come on let's go." You float to Molly's car, that kiss must have been your version of alcohol.

After what seemed like the quickest drive ever, you get the castle. Yes a freaking castle but you guys are ten minutes late. Oops. Clare was outside waiting in a frilly lemon coloured dress, very mad.

"You were meant to be here ten minutes ago! We have already given out the cupcakes." Oh she was mad.

"Sorry look let's go in. The excuse was the traffic there all better." Molly clapped her hands together only then do you noticed the orange coloured skirt with a blue top.

"Fine just come on." The petit woman walked back inside.

The castle was actually nicely decorated with banners saying:
"What's the gender boy, girl or dog?!"

Ah yes you're favourite gender dog. (Ashley's note: 👦🏼? 👧🏼? 🐶?) In the middle of the grand entrance with staircases on either side stood a platform, obviously made for the occasion, there the parents stood, scoffing their faces with cupcakes. Then your date last night stood in front of you, wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt. (Ashley's note: Oh god no)

"Took you a while." Logan eating an apple. Of course a party is happening and there Logan is trying to be healthy.

"Fashionably late I always say." You smile at your new boyfriend. Wait are you guys actually boyfriend and girlfriend? "Are we actually a couple?" Oops you cover your mouth realises what you just sputtered out. (Ashley's note: That's cute)

"Yeah I guess." He smiles and links arms with you then screams really loud. "People, (Y/N) (L/N) is my girlfriend!" You can't tell if your annoyed or extremely happy with him or both.

"Yeah yeah that's nice but well it's my... Our party." Jennifer speaks into a microphone gazing into her husband's brown orbs. (Ashley's note: Geez Jennifer. Leaving out your husband is a bit shallow don't you think?) "So shall we begin?" This reminded you just like her actual wedding.


It's a sunny May 3rd, (Ashley's note: 8 days before Clare's birthday) the day were Jennifer was going to become Park Jennifer. You, Ashley, Mia, Maja, Clare, Molly, Cara, Alicja and Juila were all bridesmaids Ashley was the maid of honour. Jimin's groomsmen were of course Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. Taehyung was Jimin's bestman. Seeing as the two were best friends.

The colour scheme was light blue, green and purple which meant your bridesmaids outfit were light blue. Knowing Cara and Maja would never wear a dress while alive they wore jumpsuits. Juila made the cake, Molly and Clare played the piano at the reception and after dinner, Clare and Alicja sang Hamilton believe it or not. (Ashley's note: ... I'm not letting any of you sing at my wedding if it's gonna be Hamilton)

The venue was still the castle, but Jimin and Jennifer got married outside with scented chairs for sitting on. (yes scented chairs deal with it.) (Ashley's note: It's an inside joke...)
The ceremony was beautiful, also considering the fact that you guys were still only twenty two and Jimin was twenty four, you were still quite young. The reception was more beautiful the meals had vegan and vegetarian options and were very simple; fish and chips, roast dinner, chicken pot pie, leak and potato soup for starters and an option of strawberry pie or stick toffee pudding for desert. (Ashley's note: I'm far too lazy to edit all that so yeah)

The bride and groom were simply adorable and were made for each other. Being Jennifer's best friend you said a speech that was actually very nice. What was the very nice was that an ice cream truck came for everyone and it was free but there were one hundred and fifty people. (Ashley's note: Holy shit that's a lot of people)

At the very end you saw Ashley and Jennifer talking how if Jennifer died she would be taking Jimin as well as dating Jungkook. (Ashley's note: I WAS KIDDING! I HAVE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL- JENNIFER WHAT THAT FOOK?! AND DID JIMIN AGREE TO THAT?! I DONT THINK SO) You were half surprised that a kitten didn't come with the gift bag but Jennifer made sure her bridesmaids got something special... A hug so thoughtful. But it was a wonderful day and you would never change it for the better.

*present day*

But back to now. Jennifer and Jimin were explaining how it works.
"So everyone needs to get a party popper!" Jennifer said,

"Then aim your party popper at us, then depending on if it's pink or blue we'll find out." Jimin stated.

You got your party popper, (Ashley's note: I thought that said "pooper" for a second 😂) aim it at the parents, getting ready to find out who will be calling you auntie (Y/N). Time to find out. But first it's weird how Jennifer and Jimin waited until eight months to find out the gender normally people find out eighteen to twenty weeks but the child is due in less than two weeks very late.

"Okay ready aim fire!" The parents said in unison.

Strings of blue escaped the poppers but it was then Jeremy jumped on the stage.

"Whoo this is fun!" Why was he at the party and on the stage. Jennifer was running towards Jeremy, she yelled.

"Watch out you bastard!" She pushed him out of the way. Of what?

Then the gun shot fired. (Ashley's note: OH NO)

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