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      Son Goji was studying quietly at the table as her mother cooked happily in the kitchen, humming a sweet tune, Goji had been scolded a few times for trying to take some snacks when her mother's back was turned. There was a knock at the door, Chi-Chi turned off the stove. "That must be Goku and Gohan coming home! They're just in time for dinner." The woman said, a joyful grin on her face. The woman rushed to the door, only to gasp at her son, the boy was bloody and bruised. "Goji! Come here quickly and watch your brother so I can get some things for his wounds the woman yelled, Goji jumped down from the table and rushed to her older brother, she winced at the older boy's state his forehead was bleeding heavily and his entire body seemed to be bruised, his gi was torn and tattered.

      Chi-Chi came into the room, a first aid kit in one hand and a small bowl of water that had a rag in it, she sat next to her son, who was breathing quietly, Chi-Chi cleaned up the cut on his forehead, and wrapped around his forehead with gauze, she searched for other cuts, after cleaning up and bandaging any cut that had been found, Chi-Chi walked the eleven year old to his bed before sending Goji to bed right afterward the girl rolled around to face her brother. "Hey Gohan?" The girl said, as the boy turned to her.

      "Yeah JiJi?" The boy groggily asked his sister, rubbing his eyes as he watched the girl push her hair out of her face so she could see his face, the girl grinned, pulling the blanket over her as she yawned.

      "Do you think I'll be as strong as you one day?" The girl asked, her eyes full of spirit, the boy smiled, Of course you will sis he thought to himself, the four year old looked at him waiting for an answer from her older brother.

      "Of course Goji, maybe even stronger one day," He said, causing his baby sister to grin, "now go to sleep!" He said, turning over, trying to fall asleep. Goji stared at the ceiling of their shared bedroom, thinking of her brother's words, and with that, the two siblings fell asleep thinking of nothing but how proud of her father would be of her seeing how strong she would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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