What a Dookie...

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It was Saturday night. As usual the guys were sitting in the livingroom.Mike was on the sofa drinking from a cup of coffee,Trè was throwing lil pieces of wood in the fireplace and Billie was lying on the floor with the phone.He was starring at it for like hours now but no reply.I walked in the room and sat near my brother.He looked at me and passed  his cup.I thanked him and drank a lil from his coffee.Trè turned to my side.

-Wanna sit with me?

-Sure! , I got up , gave the cup back to Mike and sat near Trè on the floor.He pointed at Billie and laughed.I couldn’t see why he did that or what he really meant but I gave him a punch on the arm.He coughed and got up.

-It’s been 2 days man , get over it! Trè said when he walked by Billie’s side.

-Get over it ?

I was sure that those two were ready to fight.I sighed and threw a piece of news paper in the fireplace.Billie closed his eyes.He was tired of all of that.We all knew that he was missing his girl but he could at least try to be more « here » . Mike was speechless for a long time now.He walked till Trè’s side and caught him from the sleeve.

-What are you trying to do now?

-I’m trying to help , Mike!

-You don’t help!You make it worse…leave him alone..

-What’s wrong with  all you guys ?? , Trè screamed and walked out of the room.I couldn’t just sit here, watching at them.I got up and ran till the kichen.Trè was in there.I was sure about it.He had opened the window and was glancing outside.

-Don’t be mad at Mike…

-And of course you’re with your big brother’s side! , he turned to the other side of the room.

-No , no , it’s not that , just , oh Trè c’mon , you know that he’s right!

-He’s not right , Vic!!Billie won’t stop being a wreck if his phone wouldn’t ring!!

-And how do you help with this behavior? I looked at him and put my arms at the waist .

-I’m trying to wake him up!He’s wasting his life like that…

-Trè , he has been like that for only 2 days , for what life are you talking about?

-He won’t get over her so easily and you know that she won’t come back.

I looked at him shocked. Deep inside I was sure too that she wouldn’t come back.

-But he loves her!

-Vic , wake up!Amanda dumped him!She won’t come back!! , he pounded his hand on the kitchen table and made some circles around the room .I stood still speechless .He was right .But how could we say something like that to Billie?


-There’s no  “ but “ !!This case is closed!!No matter what we say she won’t come fucking back! , Trè shouted.

-The best thing we can do is to be by his side because he needs us!And if you don’t wanna take part in this it’s your choice! , I said angrily and left the room .Trè didn’t talk. He didn’t have something to say more anyway. I went to the living room again. Mike was sitting near Billie who was trying to read the newspaper.

-How’s it going guys? , I tried to be as cool as I could.

-Seriously??? , Billie said and walked away.

Mike sighed and went to my side.

-Don’t  worry about that , I ‘ll fix him. , he said and smiled.

-Wish I could be as calm as you are; what will you do?

-I’ll find a way to cheer him up ..

-I’m sure about that. I gave him a hug. Mike pated my head, took his cup and the paper that Billie was reading and walked till Billie’s room. I preferred not to follow him. Y’know men’s stuff , I had nothing to do with all that and neither I really knew Amanda , well okay , I never wanted to be friends with her and never liked her . I headed to my room. Sat on Mike’s bed and put my face in his pillow. Believe it or not, it made me feel much better.

-What a day , huh? , I heard Trè’s voice .That was the last thing I needed that night for sure, one more night talking to Trè in my bedroom.

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