No one is getting out alive..

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Billie answered the phone call right away.Mike looked at me weird.

-What's going on?

-It must be that girl...

-Whom??What??Wait!!Eveyone here has a girl exept me??

-Mike!Calm down!First of all, you'd have a girlfriend soon and secondly I don't know a thing about that mysterious girl..

Billie looked at us and get out of the room.Mike turned again at me.

-You don't know a single thing about her?

-I only know that the first letter of her name is "A" , do you know any girl whose name starts with "A"?

-Are you kidding me?

-I mean , any girl that Billie was with?

-I don't remember..

-Shit... , the only thing says that it's not the right time to tell us..

-I'd ask him too..he can't lie to me , Mike smiled.

-Okay , i leave it up to you then , Mikey , I'm leaving now.

-Where are you going?

-I'd visit my friend Eva , I have missed her a lot so..

-Alright , then have fun

I took my jacket and walked out of the house.As I made some steps in the "yard"  , I stopped right away.I saw Billie.He was still talking to the phone.In fact he was giggling.I took a breath and walked through the "yard" , he didn't even notice me though.I got on the road and started walking.

I returned back home in the night.I took my keys out of my bag and opened the door as quietly as i could , the boys were might sleeping , well i didn't really believe that.I got in and locked the door.I could hear the tv which was on.Made some steps in the living room.It was Mike and Trè.They were watching a movie as I saw.I put my bag on the table and sat near the boys.

-What are you two watching? , i asked.

-Oh you're back , great! , Mike said without even give me a look in the eyes.

-You were out? , Trè asked without looking at me also.I sighed.

-Yeah , I was out , I see that this movie is so interesting that you can't talk to me , right?

-What?You talked? , Mike turned at me.

-Yeah , I did!!! , I screamed and turned the tv off.

-What did you do that? , Trè asked shocked.

-You do not pay attention to me!!

-Okay , Vic , I'm sorry... , Mike said.

-Oh okay...i guess..., so what were you watching?

-A comedy movie.. , Trè answered.

-Nice , sorry then.. , I said and turned the tv on again.

-It's fine! , Trè coughed.

-Where is Billie?? , I looked around the room.

-In his room...talking to the phone...again... , Mike said and got up.

-Oh my...

-I think we should do something..he's in a room all day.. , Trè said.

-Yeah but now he has somebody to talk to..

-Yeah , Vic , but when he was with Amanda he was going out at least! , he shouted.

That moment Billie got on the room.He looked at us.

-Ops...emm hi Billie... , Trè said nervously.

-You don't have something else to talk about than my personal life??!?! , Billie screamed at us.

-Billie we are sorry , we just worry about you... , I said.

-Worry?Well I'm fine and happy like that!So don't worry!!! , he said and walked away.I felt bad.Maybe we had to leave him to deal with that alone.

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