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Time to give this guy some love, seriously, he deserves it. (Low-key cursing ahead, just as a fair warning)
Life with your best friend, Loqi was never easy, that you knew. What you failed to realize, however, was how much of a stubborn pain in the arse he could be at times, like today. "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE, DAMMIT!" You yelled loudly at the dirty blonde haired male before you. "NOT UNLESS YOU TELL ME WHY YOU'VE BEEN AVOIDING ME!" "I WILL WHEN PIGS FLY, NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" "NO, I REFUSE TO LEAVE YOU ALONE UNLESS YOU TELL ME WHY YOU'RE SO DAMN HELLBENT ON AVOIDING ME!" Loqi snapped defiantly. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE SO DAMN MUCH ABOUT WHY I'M AVOIDING YOU!" You screamed obliviously. Loqi sighed in exasperation, wondering why you were so oblivious to his rather obvious crush on you. Little did he know, you also gained a crush on the cocky, overconfident, yet attractive Brigadier General before you. You didn't know what to do with the crush you had on him, so you were an absolute arse to Loqi hoping that it would help get rid of your crush, but that didn't do a damn thing, so you tried avoiding him and succeeded, until just 3 minutes ago. Loqi just sighed, saying "I care about you, alright." "Yeah, and Chocobos don't have wings, idiot." You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Dammit, woman!" Loqi groaned in annoyance as he approached you. "You want to know exactly why I care about you?" He was a mere three inches away from you. "Uh... Loqi, what are you -" You didn't get to finish your sentence as Loqi leaned in and kissed you, pressing his surprisingly soft lips against your own. After a few seconds of registering what exactly was going on, you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back. When you two pulled away, Loqi said "I care so much because I love you (Y/N)." You were utterly shocked at his words. "You....... What?" "I love you and hate it when you avoid me." He admitted. "I only avoided you because I didn't know how to deal with the crush I have on you." You unwillingly admitted. "Promise you won't avoid me again, (Y/N)?" "Well, it was pretty hard to avoid you in the first place, you stubborn bastard." "Good, I love you." Loqi said. "I love you too." You replied.

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