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JadaKoolKat requested this, so yeah, enjoy.

Its late as all balls, I know
(f/f): favorite flavor
You and your boyfriend, Loqi were walking around Niflheim together when you noticed an icecream shop. When Loqi saw what you were looking at, he asked "You want some icecream, really, (Y/N)?" "Yes, Loqi. I want icecream and we are getting goddamn icecream before we have to go." You called out, already running to the icecream shop. "Damnit (Y/N), wait up!" Loqi yelled as he ran after you. When Loqi made it into the shop, you were already waiting for him with a chocolate icecream and a (f/f) icecream. "I don't need icecream, (Y/N)." Loqi stated, taking the icecream anyways. "I know, but I wanted to buy you something and icecream was the first thing that came to mind." You said as you two started eating your icecream. You two were in the middle of eating you icecream when a random guy came over and started flirting with you. "Hey, babe. Wanna go somewhere away from this idiot and have a good time?" He smirked as he looked at you seductively. Loqi then stood up and punched the guy in the face, saying "She's my girlfriend, idiot. Go find someone actually interested, you sleazebag." Okay, I believe that's our cue to leave." You said as you dragged Loqi out of the shop.

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