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"Hey Pencil. Hey Pencil. Hey Pencil. Hey Pencil. Heyyyy Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Pen-cilll. Pence-Pence. PENNNNCCCCCCIIIII-"

"My GOD BRACELETY WHAT DO YOU WANT???" Pencil finally screamed at me. "Why can't you just shut up for once?!"

      I stumbled back a little. "No no, I promise! This time, it's REALLY important! I just needed to ask you something."

      "Fine....Go ahead." She sighed.

.....Where's Ice Cube?"

      Pencil looked as if she were about to lose it. "You. Just. Asked. Me. That. TEN MINUTES AGO!!! For the final time Bracelety, I don't know! And I don't care either! That's not even what I'm concerned about right now!"

"Well, you SHOULD be concerned about it! Ice Cube is the coolest person EVER! She could get us out of this mess in a jiffy, if only we could find her! Say it with me! Gooooo, ICE CUBE!! Gooooo, ICE CUBE!! Gooooo, ICE CU-"

"Stop it. Just....stop it." Pencil said, covering her face with her hands. "I'm not saying ANYTHING with you. Have you even MET Ice Cube? She's so stupid, she can't do anything! I've known her long enough to confirm that."

      WHAT??? I gasped so long and hard at that ridiculous comment. How could she disrespect the one and only beloved Ice Cube?! It made my heart hurt just thinking about how many people out there are unaware of her true greatness! As Icy's number one fan and admirer, it is MY duty to make sure that NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, talks trash about her!

      "HEY!" I yelled. "NO SHE'S NOT!! HOW DARE YOU SAY-"

      I hesitated, as Pencil gave me a stone hard glare and bared her teeth. She slowly made her way over to me, and looked down upon me as her body towered over mine. If I dared to finish this sentence, she would for sure finish me off. It's...not that easy to act tough around Pencil...

      "I-I mean, uhh...." Cowering in fear, I searched for something better to say. "I believe t-that Ice C-Cube is a great person. You should too BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO-" I winced as Pencil put a fist up to my face. I don't remember her ever being really physical in the past....but I wasn't taking any chances here.

"Okay.......Are you done now?"

I didn't say anything.

"...Good." Pencil backed away from me, as I got up from the ground. "I can't believe it....Of all the objects in the world I could've gotten stuck with, it had to be with you. I almost wish I had left YOU behind instead of Leafy, since she's slightly less annoying. Honestly, I don't think any object is as obnoxious and idiotic as you."

"Aside from yourself, you mean..." I mumbled under my breath, just quiet enough so Pencil couldn't hear me. When she looked over, I turned away, pretending to be focused on something else.

      "Okay. We should probably focus on the task at hand right now. I'm not in the mood to yell anymore at the moment." Pencil turned back to the whiteboard she was originally writing on. "This is only the sixteenth problem, as far as I can recall. We need to do a lot more work before we can get out. C'mon over here and help with this one, I don't want to have to do all the work myself!"

      Rolling my eyes, I began to trudge on over to her. I really wasn't in the mood to do an algebra problem right now though. I was more concerned about ICY!!! I just needed to know where she was, and what she was doing! Why didn't Pencil understand? Why didn't anyone understand?! AHHHHHHH ICE CUBEEEEEEE!!!!

The Music of Reason (A BFB Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now