Unwelcome Invitation - Kryoz (1/2)

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im sorry, you guys will get a smii7y oneshot soon- i just really enjoy writing about john LOL

 "I swear to God, if I hear him shout one more time, I'm going to his apartment." You muttered to your friend over the phone, "Oh, (Y/N), let the boy have his fun." she said, giggling over you getting irritated.

"It's not fun for me! I haven't gotten proper sleep in weeks! I have a job, you know."

"I know but everything does not revolve around you." Her tone was sweet but rude all at the same time and you were not in the mood to be argued with, so you grumbled a hasty "goodbye" and ended the call, throwing your phone on your bed out of frustration.


Later that night, you had just gotten back from work and were exhausted. When you had cleansed your teeth, face and body, you changed into pajamas and slammed your body onto your bed, falling asleep as soon as your body adjusted to the softness.

"Goddamn it," you mumbled into your pillow as you heard your upstairs neighbor scream another profanity, "Just as I was falling asleep." You slid out of your comfortable bed and covers, your bare feet slapping against your hardwood floors. Clothes hit the floor as you undressed yourself and picked up other clothing to throw on in order for you to confront your neighbor and possibly- beat his ass.

"I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight, so what the hell, why not?" You said to yourself as you threw on a mesh, long sleeved t-shirt over your black, lacy bralette. You squeezed yourself into high-waisted red plaid pants and then tied up your chunky, black boots. You tightened your ponytail and slicked back all stray hairs, allowing your strongly winged eyeliner to make an appearance. You picked up your phone, dialing your friends number, "Hey, (F/N), you busy tonight?"

"No, are you out of your pissy mood?"

"Not exactly but I wanna get out of the house, would you like to go clubbing with me?" You questioned, "Why not?" You nodded your head and responded with the classic 'be ready in 30' as you slammed your door shut, locking it, and beginning your stroll to confrontation. When you reached his door, you knocked on it, your various rings causing a slight clicking noise.

You were about to leave when the door opened up, "Hey." the tall man said, his shoulder-length hair framing his face which was sprinkled with gorgeousness. "Hi," you said, clamming up, "I was wondering if you could maybe, possibly, keep it down? You've been keeping me awake." He eyed you up and down, chuckling, "You don't look like you've been trying to sleep."

You face reddened with embarrassment and anger, "I'm dressed up like this because I'm about to go to a club because unfortunately, I cannot sleep." You shot back, "Oh, cool. I'm coming with." He shut his door, locking it behind him, and began to walk down the stairs, shouting behind him when he saw that you were still standing there, stunned. How the fuck did this guy just manage to invite himself to your outing? 

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