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 What is hope? Is it something someone clings onto when in doubt or something that someone was just given at birth?

 Would you think that someone who: is in love with her engaged  best friend, has a sister that tried to kill her, is an ex-Death Eater and lost her older brother in the Wizarding War would be hopeful?

 Well that is Iris Parkinson's life. And the thing is, she is the most hopeful girl you could meet. She looks forward and thinks ahead, never dwelling too much into the past.

 After hearing her best friend, the one she's in love with and lives with, is engaged, she decides to move out and get on with her own life.

 That's when she sees the man who will change her life. The man that used to be just like her, hopeful and carefree. Now he's stuck in a shell, working in a shop only in memory of his twin.

 George Weasley.


 I lifted my wand, breathing heavily as I saw the girl in front of me lift hers. A girl I had once trusted. A girl I used to call my sister. But she was the Dark Lord's now. No, not the Dark Lord, You-Know-Who. No, Voldemort.

 I would be one to judge after what happened with me but I changed my mind. I could understand Draco, with his father there was no way out of it; whereas my mother was in Ravenclaw. When dad became a Death Eater again she decided to end their marriage. She moved into a small house in a muggle village. At that time I hated my mother. But when I realized what I was doing, I headed straight to her. Draco couldn't have done that. But Pansy, she stayed.

 I was unfortunately, like my dad and sister, a Slytherin. My brother, Adam, however, was a Ravenclaw, like my mother. He and my mother were the only two in my family who didn't have a dark mark. It was sad really.

 Now as I faced Pansy for the first time since I betrayed Y-Voldemort, I couldn't help but grimace at the ugly smirk on her pug-like face. She truly was the definition of ugly. Her mousy brown hair was short with split ends, her eyes an ocean blue that were the only thing I envied. She was average height, her face resembled a pug's and her feet were the size of a clown's.

 I lifted my wand as she quickly raised hers. For once, as I searched my mind, it was blank. No spells to protect myself came, no jinxes or curses. Just completely blank.

 "Avada kedavra!" Pansy shouted. I felt the fear rise inside of me as I realized I needed to do something. I couldn't just stand here and wait for the curse to hit me. That would be stupid. I needed to think and fast.

 I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I ducked. I didn't think of the consequences, I just ducked. I didn't think of anyone that might have been behind me as the green light flew over my head. I didn't know that the person standing behind me was Adam.

 I screamed loudly as I looked at the body. It was just limp, the eyes wide open. The man Adam had previously been fighting behind me smirked as he and Pansy edged closer. I was knelt down next to Adam's body, there wasn't enough time to run.

 I don't know if I would have made it, had Lupin and Tonks not shot a spell at each of them. I smiled gratefully at the two of them and grabbed my wand to levitate Adam's corps back to the castle.

 When I reached the entrance hall, I couldn't help but gasp at how many bodies there were. Families wept beside their loved ones and friends tried to console the family members whilst holding back their own tears.

 The family of ginger headed people stood out like a sour thumb, whether it be the hair or just the number of them. I levitated Jack's body beside them. It was wrong to be curious about such a tragic thing but I couldn't help it.

 I almost gasped (which would have made them notice that I was standing here on purpose, not just looking for a place to set my dead brother) when I noticed the corpse.

 Fred Weasley.

 Though I had been close to Jack, I couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards George. Adam and I were close as brother and sister but George and Fred were best friends as well as great brothers. It was every mother's dream for their children to be friends and watching George cry over that friend seemed to be breaking Molly Weasley's heart.

 I decided to stop giving them sympathetic looks, knowing that if anyone sent a glance like the one I was giving them my way, I would snap at them. So I wiped away the almost dry tears – now not only from my brother but for the well known Hogwarts prankster as well – and sat down next to my brother's dead body.

 I stroked his hair and imagined what his girlfriend, Cho Chang, would do when she found out. I never really liked that girl but I know Adam loves her. From now on, anything my brother used to love, I would try to like it or them.

 "What is she doing here?" I heard Percy Weasley's voice whisper to his family. What's up with people and not knowing how to whisper? First Draco and Astoria in the Slytherin common and now this Percy git. Astoria is Draco's girlfriend, well they say to everyone else that they're just friends but Draco trusts me enough to tell me the truth.

 Astoria is kind and beautiful.  As much as I would like to describe her as some cold, heartless slut that didn't deserve Draco, I knew that would be a lie. Astoria was perfect for Draco. She was pretty, nice, Slytherin and hadn't chosen a side during the war. Sure, his father would be a little mad at her for not choosing Voldemort's side but it was better than if it was me. A traitor.

 But it's not me and that's a good thing. For Draco.

 "I don't know. Why do you care? She just lost her brother, Percy, she has every right to be here," George butted in before his mother could give out to him for whispering so loud. George obviously still had not forgiven Percy for the whole ministry over family (A/N I know Fred did at the war but it never said George did).

 "So what? She's a Death Eater, George. For all you know one of her best friends, or even she herself could have, murdered Jack. Why do you think she's so innocent? She is a Slytherin after all," Percy once again tried - but failed  -  to whisper to his family.

 "This whole house feud is what started this whole thing! Not all Slytherins are as bad as You-Know-Who just like all Gryffindors are not as good as Dumbledore," George once again argued back before his mother could scold Percy.

 "Thank you George Weasley. You really are a kind soul," I told George before Percy could badly whisper back to him. I left them all standing there, mouths open as I began to make my way to find my mother.

 That was the day I met the George Weasley. Well, spoke to him anyway.


 Okay guys, I am writing too many stories so if you look at the title, it also says coming soon. If it is not there, congratulations, I am writing the book.

I just wanted to put this up to see if anyone would be interested in reading. I have like a billion books to be writing right now but I will try and have the first chapter up soon.

This is just a prologue.  Iris on the side. Also, I know that Kaley Cuoco does not play Astoria in the movie but since she's not a proper actress, I have replaced her.

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Hope is a Four Letter Word {George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now