Musketeer lament

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I cannot rest before I have concluded this lament.

Lament of the Musketeers

Numerous deaths have been acknowledged in all of the three.
I put forth now a lament for the lost souls hither.
Friendship brings forth true happiness: it is indeed the long lost key.
But what happens when death blows so cruel.

An evil lady was slain as her devious beauty hit the ground with her head,
she was perhaps known as the devil incarnate.
Along her bloody wake the innocent she killed are strewn on a bed,
the Duke of Buckingham and Constance rest in white.

In the second adventure alas! Grave and sad news I bear to you,
D'artangan drew his blade and used it upon a man.
Those who unknowingly slay their once enemy but now friend are so few.
Roquefort died, a mortal wound inflicted by the musketeer's blade.

You may feel loathing or pity for this next wretched and young soul.
The son of Milady was finally purged of his sins by the sea.
Even in the eyes of death he held to his mothers memory loyal,
but finally his hatred was consumed by the waves.

Even more worse, if possible, was the execution of Charles the first.
My heart was stilled as the axe came pitilessly down.
Death came to gain the soul of a man who was deemed to be cursed,
cursed then finally beaten by his enemies and cold metal.

The Comte de la fere' s only son perished in the turmoil of conflicting disputes,
he no longer could bear his silent yet agonising suffering.
It was with a blade so stained with blood as red as the flesh of a strawberry fruit,
but it was not so sweet alas. Raoul slew himself to escape the pain.

I beseech you to save your tears for the next chilling words of grief
for surely anyone with pure heart shall grow faint hence forth.
Alas! Like a cruel winter that hardens and claims for himself a single waning leaf,
so did the spirits of three rise to their eternal master on high.

The knowledge that three died to the very depths of mourning does us send,
Whose deaths turn us pale and cause us to shudder so.
Our hearts beat as we learn of their bravery till the very bitter end,
but their hearts have been stilled by bullets, grief and stones.

Brave as a lion and always so loyal and in that way he is endearing to all,
how it pained me to learn of his heroic departure with death.
His Samson's strength stood alone and caused many saplings to grow small,
but was finally defeated by the weight of merciless rocks.

He should not have perished is he had not been so unwaveringly loyal,
but he followed the Bishop with faithful steps till the end.
He couldn't survive the race and he left his friends in overwhelming turmoil.
Here lies the body of Porthos: the bravest man that ever lived.

As a faithful dog follows its beloved master and lives only to serve him,
what shall the poor fellow do if his master was gone.
Mousequeton, ah, dear dear servant who must face the reality so grim,
who lived for his master and gave his soul up when he was dead. 

The noble face of brave Athos whose love for his friends never ceased,
now rests with the ghost of his former title and grace.
So much pain was this Duke made to suffer and cruelty did feast,
as fate stole from him his own son and best friend.

Whilst he lay in restless slumber, he saw his beloved boy come hither,
and upon learning about the death of a stout friend Porthos,
His waning heart that saw through so much agony gave one final quiver,
before leaving his noble body forever...for all eternity.

Ah! How despairing and distraught D'artanagn was to see the still form,
the still form of one so noble and brave now with God.
Athos gave his soul and two of his friends remained on earth so forlorn,
D'artanagn and Aramis are alive and still well. 

The last friends met after a speech from the pardoning King of France,
and embraced knowing they shall never see each other again.
Aramis claimed that it was to him that death would sooner advance,
But D'artanagn was a man of lively battle. To him it came first.

Aramis journeyed to Spain where he resumed his former roles of influence,
and D'artanagn was set on a conflicting and different path.
As the brave musketeer was delighting death stalked him like a snake so sinuous,
the bullet from a gun hit metal then hit man's flesh.

The poor D'artanagn hastened to rise but fell back and the grip of death shook,
shook him and his handsome face turned blue with fate.
But before death had even the musketeers soul to heaven claimed and took,
the brave musketeer lived last moments for France.

And so perished our hero, wanting battle and ending his life in blood and pain,
the most real musketeer who desired to fight for honour.
With three gone now the friendship has really been far too maimed,
Aramis is the last surviving of the legendary four.

Together in life and so brave, loyal, faithful and willing to aid the other,
The friends lay their motto as a promise that still lives.
Their friendship was stronger of that than a sibling with a brother,
for surely they were inseparable till the bitter end.

Their eternal, immortal motto is "One for all and all for one",
and even to this day has never found itself dead.
Even though thunder struck and caused loss, shine once did the glorious sun,
upon the intertwined lives of our four brave men.   


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