Anime profile experiment

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So...I drew a portrait of my anime character, Miroku. Unfortunately, I drew it with a pen, and I drew it the pen ink flowed a little too much...and ruined parts of the drawing.
Then, to try and mask some of the ink pen errors, I shaded with a pencil.
Finally, I took a photo of it, cropped it, added the noir background to make it look more...manga-ish, and voila.
Unfortunately, I made the face a trifle too short, when it's meant to be longer, so he accidentally looks younger than he's meant to be. His age is nineteen, though he does look younger. However, in this drawing, he looks more of a child than a teenager, in my opinion...and I don't like the nose. Perhaps his shoulders need to be a trifle broader also.
Criticism is appreciated.

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