Middle Earth/elf character

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(The image is not mine, and all credit goes to the wondrous artist)

Name: Prince Florizel
Age: He appears to be nineteen years old, but his true age is unknown
Gender: Male
Species/race: Mirkwood Elf
Sexuality: Heterosexual, though he isn't searching for romance or a relationship
Where they live: Mirkwood
Love interest: He's Open, but not interested
Rank/role/occupation: Younger elven prince
Appearance: As the majority of elves tend to be, Florizel is tall, and as slender as a willow tree. In fact, for elven standards, he's underweight due to his lamentable eating habits. Florizel, inheriting from his father, possesses a thin, narrow and pointed face, with quite prominent cheekbones; his skin tone is very pale, and he's liable to become very hot in the summer sunlight and heat. Florizel has long, silvery hair, which he sometimes wears down, or plaited into a form of pony tail for convenience. His eyes are light green, green as the grass, and are usually narrowed into a pensive frown, though can be brightened in amusement. He tends to wear grey leggings, and silver robes, with long capes. For some reason, he favours cloaks, as they enhance his mystique, he claims
Personality: He's reserved and withdrawn, and cannot be described as social. He will tend to avoid social events or gatherings, due to a level of high self consciousness, and he just doesn't feel comfortable around many people. Florizel possesses a sense of arrogant haughtiness, perhaps inherited from his father, and he is very proud of his race, and quite patriotic. The prince is learned and literate, and he speaks in a tone that suggests he's received good education, for he tends to use advanced words; he favours dry wit, dry humour, and sarcasm. Whilst usually mild of speech, Florizel won't hesitate to use sharper means to force his point across during a debate. He tends to use intelligence over brawn, for he doesn't boast of having much muscle. He uses an effective mixture of agility, speed and wit to defeat his enemies. Though not overly empathetic to people, Florizel is, to be honest, completely destroyed when faced with animals. He loves animals, and his cold, arrogant, reserved demeanour is totally swept away then. Florizel possesses a high level of intelligence, he's observant and analytical, but maybe too inquisitive for his own good
Skills: His intelligence and wit, along with his agility and speed. The young elf is skilled in strategy and debate, and he is a skilled horse rider also. Though sometimes preferring to fight with a blade, Florizel possesses a sharp eye, and he's a formidable archer
Flaws: Florizel avoids fighting close up to the enemy, for he lacks brawn and muscle. He's an absurdly awful swimmer, and has an intolerance to alcohol; even a little can make him tipsy, and too much will make him quite ill. Florizel also suffers from chest complications due to having been caught within a fire; he's prone to coughing, and sometimes palpitations, which is a definite hindrance, but not life threatening
Backstory: When Thranduil's wife died, the elven King sunk into despair. One night, drunk upon elven wine, the intoxicated king engaged within sexual activities with a pretty elven servant, in vain attempts to ease his grief. Later on, the female elf became pregnant, and gave birth to Florizel, who was thus, a bastard prince. Florizel, unaware of his royal blood, lived with his mother in Mirkwood, and received a good education. However, as the years passed, a fire spread within the house, and Florizel and his mother were forced to flee the burning embers. However, the female had inhaled too much smoke, and she was dying. With her last breath, she informed her son that he was a prince. She passed away. Florizel, ill himself from smoke inhalation, decided that it was the King's duty to treat him as a son, and offer him hospitality. So Florizel travelled to the Mirkwood palace, and collapsed at the gates, sick and exhausted from grief. After an hour, he was brought in and, Thranduil, with elven magic, at once knew that this young elf was the son of the female he'd so long ago spent the night with. Nursed by healers, Florizel recovered, and was prepared to tell the king everything. Of course, the king already knew, and saved Florizel the trouble. From then on, Prince Florizel has lived alongside Legolas as a brother, yet Florizel still lays a small part of the blame for his mother's death upon Thranduil, believing that the king should've done a lot more for the female elf
Other: Prince Florizel loves animals, especially Mustelids
Alignment: Good

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