•Chatper One•

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Orion threw herself onto her bed, what did she manage to lose her dam cell phone? She literally just got the thing a couple of days ago from her parents to take with her when she goes go Alfea next week, which also reminds her.

Summer break was coming to an end for another year, which was kinder good for Orion's case, a lot of people flock to her realm, Solaria since it's known to have some of the best summer getaway places, she should know, he has actually never left her realm.

Orion sighed and looks out her window, she's really going to miss Solaria, none of her other classmates from middle school were going to attend Alfea Collage but the one that was on their realm, at least she knew the Princess, Stella who basically lives at Alfea even doe she's not a student anymore. Orion knew she could always go to the Princess if she needed help or anything

"I move to Alfea literally tomorrow and I still have everything to pack!" She panicked, she didn't even know what to pack, the approval letter said that all books will be provided by the school already. She looked at the pile of freshly washed clothes sitting in the corner. As she got out of bed and lifted up the clothes from the floor, there it was, her phone.

Orion screamed, it was under her clothes the whole dam time.


Everything was packed and ready to go, everything but Orion herself. She slipped out of her bed for the last time and walked to the bathroom. She hated how her long brown hair got so tangled up at night, as soon as she finished brushing her hair, she took a quick shower, shaved and brushed her teeth as the conditioner set.

"Orion sweetie?" Her mother asked "the bus is going to be here soon to collect you" Orion was mid way putting on her mint spotty dress when she heard her, her eyes widen, oh no she must have lost track on time, she quickly grabbed her pastel yellows cardigan and ran out

"I'm so sorry I must have forgotten what time it was" she apologised "am I late did I miss the bus?"

The older women sighed "unfortunately you did Orion, but I'm sure your brother will drop of there, if you ask nicely"

Orion face palmed, great, she was kinder happy that her older brother was taking her, it would be nice to have a friendly face.

"Breakfast is ready also" her mother smiled, she made her way to the kitchen

On arrival she her her brother who was already eating his breakfast, which consists of toast and scrabbled eggs and coffee, she smiled and sat next to him. Her dad brought over her own plate of food for her

"Look at you my big Alfea student" he praised as he place the plate down in front of her "All ready to become a full fledged fairy"

"Dad" She side smiled "I'm not at Alfea yet"

"Well you soon will be, I'm sure Ash might show you around since he's been around Alfea" he informed,

"Sure I'll drop you down at school, It'll be a honour seeing my little sister take her first steps" he teased "I don't return to Red fountain till Thursday anyway, I'll have time to show you around, maybe meet some girls"

Orion smiled, she always has a strong relationship with her Older Brother, Asher, third year Red fountain short distance weapon master, unfortunately his maths grades can't be as good as his fighting ones. "How are the teachers like at Alfea?"

"Amazing, they are especially trained to teach fairies like you, but be warned about Professor Griselda, super strict" he told her "once you finish your breakfast go get your bags and I'll drive you to Alfea"

"Thank you Bro" she thanked as she started to eat.


Orion spent most of the car ride silent. Ash tried to start up a conversation but he knew his little sister was nervous. It was her first item even stepping out of their realm, not to mention she's moving away from her parents for the first time, he knew he was like that when he first arrived at Red fountain.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked, Orion just nodded "that wasn't a full nod, what's up?"

"It's just i have no idea how's it's going to be like, new school and new people" she sighed "I'm scared no one would like me there, I'm just a girl who hasn't figured out her powers yet"

"That's why we sent you to Alfea, mum and dad see that you have the ability to become a strong fairy, you'll find your powers out soon, trust me" he confirmed "we are always one phone call away"

She sat back in her chair "and Alfea and RF do join up together a lot, so I'll always see you around"

"That is true" he "smiled, Hey Riri, look out your window"

Orion looked out her car window to see it, Alfea in all its glory. Tall pink and blue building with a gate that reminded her of a swan. There was a lot of other people parking or walking up to the school, girls with their luggage, hugging their parents for the last time till the next holidays, she remembered her last hug with hers.

"There's a park right next to the school, that's lucky" he laughed as he parked. Orion stepped out of the car and got her first breath of fresh air. Ash took her luggage out of the boot and gave it to her. "I'll walk you in"

Ash kept his sister close to him as they walked into the school. Orions eyes opened, it was just how it looked in the pictures, there was a stage in the middle of the grounds with rows of white plastic chairs, there were already a couple of people sitting down waiting for what even is going on.

"You should get your name marked off now when there's not much lining up" Ash informed, there was around two girls in front of her, both stated their names to a older woman with short brown hair and glasses who spoke with a stern voice.

"Next please" the woman called out "alright who do we have here?" She looked up from her clip broad and here eyes met Asher's

"Hi Miss Griselda" he smiled

"Asher Asher" she let out a disappointed sigh "why are you here and not at Red fountain? Remember the last time what happened when we caught you sneaking around Alfea?"

"Oh no I'm actually here to help my sister out" he confirmed, Griselda raised her eyebrow before looking down at the brown haired girl "this is Orion"

She flipped the papers on her clip broad over and looked for the names beginning with O "where you are" she ticked her name off "your dorm is 4-C, all your stuff is already waiting for you there on your bed, your class timetable is also there, curfew is at 9:00pm so don't even think about leaving after then"

"Yes miss" Orion nodded

"I'm sure you'll feel at home in Alfea" she said "next"

"We can go up your dorm now if you want?" He asked "the dorms are this way anyway"

"That is probably a good idea" she smirked as the siblings walked off

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