Signing In §

21 5 8

Pssst. Agent La 009 signing in. Yes. I'm talking to you.

Hey! I'm not that weird!!
[starts daydreaming about memories]
K. Never mind.

So, you guys. How are you?
Don't tell me the answer please.

Comment it.

I was thinking about Gigi's idea about the quote/poem book. What do you all think about it.

I, for one, like the idea. [while pretending to know the context of what "for one" means]

If this was real like, I'd go al falsetto girly, pouncing in you and crying:

"Ohmigosh, babe! You read up to the end!!!! O. M. G! I love you, sooooo much."

Too bad this is on a flat screen. 😔
Unless your screen is 3D, which, for now, is highly unlikely.

Ta-tah "babe". I'll see you later. 😉
I'm joking. Seriously.

Bye! 😃

~ La §

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