10.) The Call

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Liam’s Pov:

Hope left with her friend about an hour or two ago. I was still in my room talking to Zayn.

“I really like her, Zayn. I don’t know what to do,” I said.

“Just take her out or something. Have fun with her. I bet she likes you,” he said.

“But we don’t know that. I was going to take her to the lake and have a picnic tonight, but she made plans with her friend Nads.”

“Don’t sweat it Liam. I bet she would’ve loved to go if she wasn’t busy.”

“Well…….I didn’t exactly ask her,” I said and ran my hand through my hair.

“Then why are you so worried about it,” Zayn asked.

“Because I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I know we only just met, but we got along really well. When I got the call last night and she was crying, I felt so heartbroken. I don’t know how anyone could do that to her. She started crying again when we watched the movie, but I didn’t know why. I thought Toy Story 3 was a happy movie,” I said.

“What part of the movie was it at?” he asked.

“When Barbie met Ken,” I said and realization struck me. “Oh. It must have reminded her of her relationship.”

“Yea,” Zayn said.

“But I tried to comfort her and it seemed to help a bit. She calmed down and fell asleep and I moved her on my lap so she could be more comfortable. She looked so peaceful and I couldn’t help but kiss her forehead. She didn’t seem to notice, but I felt happy about it. Zayn, I think I fell in love with-“ and I was cut off by a phone call. “Hold on a minute,” I said and got up. I didn’t know the number.

I answered it, “Hello?”

“Hi, Liam,” I heard Hope say with a shaky breath. She seemed scared.

“Hope? What’s wrong?” I asked getting a bit scared.

“Can you come pick me up?”

“Yea, where?” I said and grabbed my keys.

There was a moment of silence and she took a deep breath, “Jail,” she said and I could hear her crying.

“I’ll be right there,” I said and hung up.

“What’s wrong?” Zayn asked.

“Hope’s in jail,” I said a bit shocked. “I have to go get her.” I ran downstairs and put on one of my sweatshirts.

“Liam, I have to tell you something,” I turned around and Louis was standing there.

“Louis now’s not a good time for you to fool around,” I said frustrated.

“It’s not, I swear.”

“What,” I had my hand on the door knob ready to leave once he told me.

“Hope likes you a lot,” he said quietly.

“What!? How do you know?”

“I heard her and her friend talking today and she said she likes you.” I couldn’t believe it. She actually likes me.

“I swear if this is another one of your pranks, Tomlinson, I’ll never forgive you,” I said.

“I swear it’s not,” he said putting his hands up in innocence.

I opened the door and said, “Well I have to go. I’ll be back in like an hour.” I closed the door and ran to my car. She’s in jail? For what? Was she framed for something? Is she a criminal and I didn’t know? Did I fall in love with a criminal?

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