13.) The Dunkin' Donuts

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We walked in and went to order. I got a chocolate glazed donut and a medium coffee. Liam got a medium tea. We held hands the entire time and I felt like he’d never leave my side. We got our order and sat at a table across from each other.

“so, Hope. Um, tonight me and the boys have to go to an interview,” he said and I took a sip of my coffee.

“What’s the interview for?”

“Well, our tour is starting in a couple weeks and they want to interview us. You think you can manage being at the house alone?”

I rolled my eyes. “Liam, just because of one bad incident doesn’t mean I’m gonna crash the house.” He just looked at me giving me the ‘are you sure’ look. “What?”

“I just don’t want to get another call that’s all.”

“Trust me. My rebel days are over. Yesterday was too much of a scare, but I was glad I had you,” I said and he smiled.

“Okay good.” He took a sip of his tea and I started eating my donut. He was looking at me and finally asked, “Can I have a bite?”

I thought about it and he gave me the puppy dog eyes. I gave in, “Fine,” I said and he took a bite. “But the rest is for me.” He laughed.

I heard someone come in the door and I made eye contact with him. Shit. Allen came here with a girl. And the girl was………. Sophie. Liam looked where I was looking and whispered, “Don’t let her bother you.”

“It’s not just her,” I whispered back, “that’s my ex-boyfriend.”

Liam took my hand and I relaxed a bit. I looked over once again and he was walking towards me. I can’t talk to him.

“Hey, Hope,” he smirked and I glared at him. “Who’s your friend?’

“I’m her boyfriend,” Liam said. “I’m Liam.” Liam put his hand out to shake hands with Allen, but Allen ignored it.

“Moved on so quickly I see,” he said. “But you still love me.”

“I will never love you, Allen. Go with your snotty girlfriend over there and leave us alone,” I said harshly.

“Why were you staring at me then?” he asked.

“She wasn’t staring at you,” Liam replied. “She was talking to me.”

“No one asked you, Lian,” Allen said and crossed his arms.

“It’s Liam,” I said. “We are trying to enjoy our lunch here. Can you leave, please,” I said trying to control my anger. I was still mad at him for what he did.

“I don’t care,” he said, “You will love me, Hope. And I will love you more than this guy ever could.” He pointed to Liam. And he whispered in my ear, “and I will show you just how much better I am than him.” And with that he walked away. My eyes were wide and I saw Liam glaring at him. I could tell he was jealous and a bit pissed at him. I don’t blame him.

“Let’s go,” Liam said. “I don’t want to see that guys face again.” He got up and I threw out my trash still drinking my coffee. I looked at Allen one more time and he winked at me. My reaction? I flipped him off and held Liam’s hand to the car. We went home and relaxed for the rest of the day til his interview.

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