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"I ain't goin' to no nuthouse, coppa," said the girl. "Little girl, you are insane!" The cop exclaimed. This caused the girl to giggle. "you're funny, Coppa!" She laughed. The cop just dragged her along, throwing her into the backseat of his police van. He had a van since he was the chief. "You, little girl, will get the treatment you need," He said. "Oi, Coppa, lemme outta 'ere," Demanded the girl, who chomped gum. "Not a chance, bitch," He laughed. "You're serious? You gon' take me to the nuthouse?!" She exclaimed. "Yes, sirre!" "I'm a female, bitch, and the sad thing is, my dick is bigger than yours," She sneered. He just laughed in response as they pulled up to the Vancouver Insane Institution. She scoffed; "Whatever," She muttered. She was dragged into the building as she screamed at the top of her lungs. Little did she know, a certain boy watched her with sly eye's, a smirk placed on his pale face. This girl was going to be his.

He watched intently as she kicked and scratched. As she laughed and squirmed. She was just like him. He couldn't help but wonder, what got her in here?

"Get her in the goddamn room, Winona!" Yelled David. "Don't you think I'm fucking trying, Harbour?!" "What the hell are you doing out of your room, Wolfhard?" One of the security guards sneered. Finn just chuckled. He must be a newbie. He thought. "Bitch, you must know nothing," He scowled. He began to look where they'd taken the strange girl, and soon realized she was put in a room with Maddie. He smirked to himself. This was going to be great.

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