One. Hate at First Sight.

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A/N: I'm including a song for you to listen to while you read :)  The songs will more than likely be relevant to something Crystal or Conan are feeling/going through. Or just a song that they're a fan of that fits well with the chapter, enjoy!

"Severed myself from my whole life
Cut out the only thing that was right
What if I never saw you again
I'd die right next to you in the end..."
Danger - Keep Away

"Danger - Keep Away -Slipknot

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I stand frozen in the hallway.

I want to move, but my feet feel like they're glued to the floor.

Just breathe. It's just a normal, dumb human school.

I take a deep breath.

Just act like you're supposed to be here.

I exhale slowly.

As far as anyone is concerned you are just a normal high school senior.

I look down at the wrinkled paper that has all of my classes and bite my lip.


Calculus is first... According to this it should be...


I look up and spot it about five doors down.

I shove the paper in my backpack and take one more deep breath before forcing my feet to move.

Come on legs, work with me here...

Left foot, right foot....

There we go. See? This isn't so bad.

I enter the classroom and see a lady that looked to be in about her late fifties maybe early sixties writing on the whiteboard.

She glances at me and places a cap on the marker she's holding before turning to face me.

"You must be our new student." She adjusts her glasses and pushes a gray strand of hair out of her face.

I nod.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm Crystal Fox."

She smiles.

"I'm Mrs. Summers. Feel free to take any open seat."

I nod again and try to return her smile before walking toward a corner that has two empty desks left.

I choose the one closest to the wall.

The bell rings and Mrs. Summers turns to face the class.

"Good morning class. Everyone please turn to page 391 and look at problem number 4..."

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