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Before the beginning of this universe, and even beyond that in the deep dark void of space there existed 6 Gods capable of creating multiple worlds at once each God made it their mission to create universe's in their own image but like all things that ignite, It eventually burns out. Now Each of the 6 Gods were tired of failing so much that they assembled and gathered their remaining power and create what we know as our universe.

Obviously after several Millennials humans were created, born out of the original lovers from Christianity lore Adam & Eve, the old Gods loved A&E tremendously that they passed down a spark of their god liked power to them both, all Six gods finally concluded that they will no longer interfere with the affairs of mortals giving A&E their last gift to humanity.

Adam & Eve had 12 children; 6 humans, 6 Casters clearly we all know the story of how humanity came too be. So Let's skip ahead where there is abundant of humans and casters living in complete harmony A&E who both are now in the spirit realm still hold the power of their creators they see their children grow and live happy lives so they decide to pass on the spark like it was passed onto them so they chose the 6 purest hearts of their grandchildren and gave them the spark each representing one of the 6 elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Ice, and Wood the six children gifted in not only the elements of also In magic itself.

The six children with their newfound power decided to pave the way to a golden age of magic each led a respected clan teaching anyone who was ready for the age of change, However, the other casters and some humans loved the chaos that reigned over the land and didn't want to lose that so they fought against the 6, the war between casters last over 200 years neither side unwillingly giving up on what they believe in, near what was to be a crushing victory for the casters of peace, The casters of chaos found a way to kill their god-touched rivals by creating god killing weapons. The chaos casters located and murder 6 new gods siphoning off their power and created their weapons and off to send the 6 straight to their graves.

What the chaos casters didn't know was the 6 knew what they were up to and they prepared for what was to come. Each of them convene and unanimously agreed to save their children, so they passed down their spark and assigned guardians to the 6 with what remaining power they had left plus the power of their clans they created a portal to a different world similar to that of ours giving a chance for their kids to be safe they said their goodbyes and sent the kids off staying behind to deal with the matter at hand. The chaos casters fought the peace casters and slaughtered each one, the problem was that they no longer felt their power of gods anymore and used up 4 of the 6 blades to kill them, that's when they realized that the peace casters knew what was coming and sent their sparks away with their children to a different world the chaos casters found the portal but was unable to access its power feeling defeated the Chaos caster nearly gave up but instead they felt more determined to wipe off god magic from any world no matter the cost eventually they found a way to open the portal by killing each caster that originated from A&E when they had enough power they sent over the remaining casters to look for the six that escaped.

while the six found their journey to this world strange the year is 1620 the six children grown up and have children traditionally passed down their spark and a guardian to protect them. Everything was peaceful but all that went to crap when the chaos caster found them an continued their mission to kill the god touched as in effort to defy the gods proving to them that they are stronger, The elders fought and protected the children sending them into the future over 379 years and sealing off any portal or magic that could help them get to them.
The dark caster's having yet to taste defeat knew they could no longer hunt down the six children but, that didn't stop them they just knew they had to wait so they planned to teach their ochildren the ugliness of the god-touched and fill them with lies of how the six destroyed  their last world and sought refuge in this world. The year is 1999 the six children have arrived and knew nothing of what their future had in store for them each of the six Guardians made the decisions to separate and hid in fear that the dark casters could have eyes and ear everywhere so they gather what little things that they had brought and went in each direction the six knew in that moment that they were all alone now having to say goodbye to their friends with each saying "Until we meet again my brothers and sisters"

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