Part II

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In the dark stormy night when the moon was at it's apex two figures stand at a hill just outside of the city staring into the endless void, the moonlight emitting from the moon hits the two of them.
The girl on the left with dark blood red eyes like the blood moon her hair bluer than the Circassian sea.
The other girl her eyes so white like winter snow her gaze could freeze you in instant her white hair looked like a new shade of white. both were analyzing the city landscape then the one with blood eyes finally spoke.

"Well we finally reached the others,
Do you think they are going according to the plan?"

"Silas specifically said he would tell us what to do when we arrived, however he wasn't clear on where he is, he just told us what city he is in"

A moment of quiet surrounded them and then out of nowhere they felt a surge of energy and a pillar of light, Sliver light and then they both looked at each other and they knew what it was.

"Silas is one clever guy, don't you think Serenity" she said to the white eyed girl

"Honestly we should of seen this coming, Kurama"

They both look at each other and then looked away and flashed a devilish smile

"Off we go then"

And they disappeared Into the night.

                      •            •             •

Dr. Sanchez our family doctor was doing the basic procedures like checking my eyes pupils, taking my temperature, taking some blood samples and saliva too. All standard things, my parents were standing at the door with faces of dread because, these sort of things don't usually happen. When the doctor was done she told me to stay home and relax. She then walked to where my parents are.

"How is he?"

"Well his eyes were very slow to respond to me and I saw a lot of veins so that Indicates he is very stressful and tired"

"He doesn't seem stressed to me"

They looked to each other and then to the doctor again

"So what do we do doctor"

"I'll prescribe a stress-reducing pills but without the blood work I can't do anything else, so I told him to stay at home and relax"

"You think that is best"

"Yes Mr. Wells, I'll check back within 48 hours, thank you and have a fine day"

"Thank you doctor"

The doctor leaves and now my parents are walking over to my bed and start to touch me, trying to comfort me and the minute that they do I feel so much better but they look like they are getting weaker, then they let go and I immediately go back to feeling sick while they go back to normal.

"What was that?"

"That must be your body reacting to our power"

"But why would it be suddenly"

"Probably because your birthday is coming up"

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