Silent Tears Preview

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Hey guys, this is a story I have been working on. My friend read it and convinced me to post it up. She is an amazing author, LightInTheDark, and you guys should check her out. Hope you guys like,  and vote if you do, so i know to continue posting. Advice is always welcomed, but this is my first story so please be nice, anyway moving on with the story....

I woke up with a start. The images from the dream came back to me causing rough sobs to ascape my mouth. I turned my face into the pillow to muffle my cries and hugged my knees to me. The memories kept replaying in my head leaving a trail of pain in my heart. The pain was too much, I didnt know how to deal with it, so I stayed in bed crying, waiting for my body to run out of tears and for the numbness to return.

After the tears ran out I turned to lay on my back. The clock read 4 AM. I knew that I wouldnt be able to go back to sleep with the threat of nightmares on my mind so I decieded to use this time to prepare myself for the day ahead of me.

To say I was scared would be an understatement; I was terrified. Today was going to be my first day at my new school and I just cringed at the thought of being around all these people. My heart started to race as I imagined all those bodies touching mine in the crowded hallways, and I ran to my bathroom as I become nausated. I was grateful, not for the forst time, that I had my own bathroom connected to my room,, making it easily accessable.

Tell me what you guys think. Any advice or thoughts are apprieated. I know it starts of slow, but bear with me, Im a begginer :D hope you guys like!

Silent TearsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ