Silent Tears Chapter Three

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Heyyyy dudes and dudets, 

Its me with a new chapter! Before you guys get too excited I need to appoligize for both the quality and the quantity. So I'm facing a bit of a writers block but I didn't want the week to pass with out giving you lovely readers something. Hope you guys like and I'm sorry if its not amazing or if its short.... I tried :p

I remember when my parents came home that day, I stayed in bed telling them I was feeling sick. There is nothing I regret more than lying to them that night. If I had told them the truth they could have did something and maybe things would have played out differently. Instead, I listened to his lies and believed him when he said they wouldn't believe me. I kept the truth hidden and kept to myself. I pushed everyone away from me but left him to do with me as he pleased. I let the fear control me and now its too late. My parents are dead; they were murdered by a man they once loved and trusted and I'm alone, with no one left to comfort by sobs or scare away my nightmares.

Sighing, I shook my head and got up. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I needed to stop thinking. Everytime I remembered a deep ache would apear in my chest and I didn't know what to do but try to forget.

As I brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror and inwardly flinched at what I saw. I hardly recognized the girl staring back at me. My face looked pale and sunken, a contrast from its usual liveliness. My long, curly, brown hair looked dry and dead. However, it was my brown eyes that changed the most. Gone were the sparkly, bright orbs that had glittered with happiness, and in their place where two dark and lifeless eyes. They held a deep sense of pain and sadness that could only appear in ones eyes through painful experiences. 

I closed my eyes at the repulsing sight before me and undressed, stepping in the shower, hoping to wash away all the disgust and dirt that clung to my skin.

Hope you guys like. Pretty pretty please with a whole bunch of yummy, mouth watering, pile of chocolate on the top vote, comment, and fan. I wanna see love °u° (does a really cute and irresistible puppy face). Thanks a bunch, love ya biatchessssss ;)

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