Silent Tears Chapter Seven

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"Turn the lights out now, now I'll take you by the hand, hand you another drink, drink it if you can, can you spend a little time, time is slipping away, away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came..."

My alarm clock rang the next morning, waking me up with The Wanted's Glad You Came. I groggly got up to see myself sitting on my desk, drool coating the paper underneath me. I reached over and grabbed my phone, closing the alarm clock before heading towards the bathroom.

As I walked, I yawned and rubbed my sleepy and tired eyes. They felt a little sore after all the crying I did yesterday. I hardly got any sleep and the little I got was always broken up by my nightly terrors. Yesterday had been one of my worse nights. Everytime I closed my eyes, my mind was filled with images of unwanted touches and broken trust. That wasn't the worst part though. Nightmares from my parents death came to haunt me. Those were the worst of my memories. Remembering their betrayed and astonished looks as they came home early that night. Watching tears and guilt take over their face as they learned the truth. Seeing fear, pain, sadness, love, hate and a whole bundle of emotions flash through their eyes as they took their last breaths. Their lips forming words of love as they left this hateful world and their broken daughter behind.

After that last dream I had stayed up. I decieded to do my english homework to pass the time not sure and not caring if I had work in any of my other classes. My emotions, my fears and pains spilled out of me and into the paper as I wrote my emotion filled poem. A sense of relief filling my body as the words flowed filling the page along with my tears. And there, as I sat, thinking and writing, did I finally fall into a blank and dreamless sleep. I wonder how long I would have slept had my stuipd alarm clock not waken me up.

Propably not long, I assured myself as I stripped my clothing and entered the shower. The hot water scalding my skin as it once again washed away the filth and dirt that seemed to never fade from my body.

Dressing up today didn't take as long. I grabbed my black, hip hugging skinnies and slipped them on. A gray tee and some black flats soon fallowed. I left my wet hair down brushing it a bit. I decieded that today I needed the protection against this cold world and what better to use than my curtain of hair?

I stuffed my work in my bag and grabbed my phone along with my sweater and headed downstairs for some breakfast.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a gornola bar taking a seat next to Derek. "Morning," I mumbled to everyone still not looking up.

"Morning babe," a voice sounding suspiciously like Chris said. I looked up in surprise to see Chris and Adam joining the big family for breakfast.

"They slept over," Cory explained quickly. I gave a silent nod and continued to eat as everyone around me conversed. Rose asked me how I was a couple times and how school was yesterday and I answered her in one worded answers. My nightmare yesterday still fresh on my mind. Remembering the way Mike easily betrayed my dad's love and trust made me realize that I shouldn't be putting all that trust in Rose and her kids. Just remembering how much I leaned on Damain, Cory, and Blake yesterday disgusted me. How could I let myself trust them after everyhing that's happened. Gosh, I'm so stuipd.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't snap out of till a hand was laid on my shoulders. I jumped with a yelp and turned around to see Brad right there. "Don't touch me!" I snapped seeing the surprise on his face. Brad, being one of the younger bothers had been a little bit closer to me. I ignore his look and got up. I grabbed my sweater and slipped it on.

"Now why are you going to hide a perfectly sexy body with ugly sweater?" Chris asked. I think he was trying to break the awkward silence that fallowed me snapping at Brad. I just glared at him, gabbed my bag, and headed towards the car.

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