Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go-Time To Get The Fuck Out Of Here

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I woke up to Owen screaming his ass off and a really comfortable pillow that magically appeared under my head.

"Had a nice sleep, querida?" Alejandro's voice asked from above me.

"Mmmhhmm..." I sleepily responded.


Above me?

I hurriedly sat up, hitting my head on Alejandro's chin in the process.

"Ow!" We winced in unison, me rubbing my head and him rubbing his chin.

"Why the fuck is your chin so sharp?" I glared up at him.

"It's your fault for sleeping in my lap." He glared back before a smirk grew on his face.
"Was it comfortable, querida?"

"Voy a terminar con usted." I said hotly before stalking to the confessional.


"I do not like Alejandro." I glared at the camera. "I hate him! I hate him and his sharp, chiseled jaw and his deep voice and pretty blue eyes and— NO! No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No—"

End Confessional/

(A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I came back and sat as far away from Alejandro as possible. Unfortunately, that means I was near Owen and his screaming, panicking ass.

"Stop sweating, lunchbox." Noah started with his normal deadpanned look. "Air travel is like, the 15th safest mode of transportation. Unless you're in a death trap." Owen looked like he was starting to calm down a tiny bit until a completely inconspicuous patched up hole caved in.

"WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK!!" I screeched, clinging to the bench.

My heart sped up. I was slipping. I'm going to fucking die. I closed my eyes tightly as my hands slipped away.




.... I'm not dead?

I opened my eyes and I was in Alejandro's arms. "I couldn't let my querida die now, could I?" Alejandro smirked down at me.

At this moment, I didn't care. I clutched his shirt and looked away, hiding my light blush. "If you let go of me, I'll come back and haunt your ass."

It took me a moment to notice my hair wasn't blowing around like crazy. I looked back to see Owen had plugged the hole with his large stature. I quickly stepped away from Alejandro and smoothed down my hair. "Thank you." I muttered. "For not letting me die."

"Like I said," Alejandro smirked. "I couldn't let my querida die."

I roll my eyes. "Me desconcierta cómo todavía puedes coquetear en una experiencia cercana a la muerte."

"Simplemente estoy calmando tu mente preocupada con palabras de consuelo." Alejandro responded, having the nerve to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear.

I pushed his hand away from my face and crossed my arms over my chest. "Sure you are."

"This is your captain speaking. It's time for everyone to join me in the common area. And I mean everyone." Chris spoke over the intercom.

"Welp. Let's go."


"Welcome to today's challenge. It's—" Chris was cut off by Harold.

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