The Prologue

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so this chapter is prob really bad and short but i promise the rest will be better!

6th January 2020, Hong Kong Shatterdome, 06:09 AM

Minerva swerved another time and dodged Persephone's punch, she swivelled and locked her forearm between her side and her upper arm. She elbowed her right in the torso and Persephone doubled over, Minerva swiftly tripped her, and she came crashing to the floor in pain.

"7 for me and 4 for you" Minerva proudly stated as she helped her drift partner up, a scowl on her face, "Alright what's wrong? Why are we falling out of sync?" Minerva questioned her. But Percy only shook her head and sighed. "Focus, let's go again." Minerva moved away from the older girl and got into a fighting stance, Percy did the same, but although she looked ready, it was only a matter of seconds before she was flat against the mat again.

Minerva was thirteen at the time, young but smart, mature. She knew how to hold her own. But it wasn't until 2023 that her world turned upside down. Persephone and Minerva often went out to fight Kaijus in Tacit Ronin. It was their Jaeger, fast and deadly, just like them. But in august 23rd almost 20 miles north of Vancouver island, Canada, her drift partner was killed by a Kaiju, Tacit Ronin suffered damage, but Minerva was left in worse condition, after having guided Ronin with no co-pilot to the nearest Shatterdome in Alaska, it took her nearly 4 hours before she got help.

"Percy! Perce!" she cried out, red hair flying around as she took off her helmet. "Persephone!!!" the dark skinned girl fell. And fell.  And fell. To the feet of Tacit Ronin, and when all was silent, Minerva finally heard the sickening crack of bones breaking.

In Alaska she met Xavier Zacari. a nice young man, a pilot, with whom she spent the rest of her days training with. The two weren't drift compatible, but they did find themselves attracted to one another, they were the best pilots in Alaska, and when it shut down, they were both called back to Hong Kong

Minerva was a stone-hearted woman by the time she was 19, emotionless and the best fighter anyone knew. But she had no Jaeger, nor a partner. She joined the Hansens in helping to close the breach in 2025, and by the time the Kaiju war had ended, she was left feeling lost. Lonely. There was only one person who made her life a little bit brighter, Xavierl Zacari.


The choppers landed on the pads in sunny Hong Kong. No one spoke, no one celebrated. The breach was closed, the war had ended, but it had come at a cost. Raleigh and Mako came out first, then Chuck, I was stuck standing, still holding on to the handles in the chopper. Chuck came back on and held me tight.

"It's alright kid. We're alright now." he soothed in his thick Aussie accent. I didn't really feel better, but his accent didn't exactly fit with his attitude, he was trying to be gentle and calming, but Chuck really wasn't cut out for it.

We walked off the chopper together, Xavier and the other Cadets were waiting for us among the other personnel of the Shatterdome, they all cheered once they saw us. But Xav saw the look on my face, and he tried to reach out to me. I couldn't stand being around anyone. I just wanted to be on my own for a while.

I suspect that's when it really changed. After the Kaiju war, my passion, everything I've trained for, I became obsolete. Raleigh retired, Mako and Herc became the new air Marshals, Chuck sort of hung around for a while. Xavier tried to get close to me but after so many jaeger deaths, I couldn't stand getting close to any other pilots, they would only die in battle, and I would be hurt, but Xavier was my weak spot, I was a teenager, and never lived a teenage life, but Xavier knew I wanted one.

Xavier left in 2025, shortly after the war, his family wanted him back home. I felt myself missing him, we dated for a couple of years the last few days were amazing, but all good things end eventually and it ended in tragedy for me. I had to take time away to raise our child. I decided it was best to give the child to the ppdc child protection program, it took in orphaned children whose parents were killed in Kaiju attacks. The children were taken care of and for whoever wanted to, at the age of 10 they could start training.

I returned to ppdc in 2028 and got right back up to health. I trained harder than before, I needed to survive now, I had to be the best of the best, right up there, like Mako and Hercules and Pentecost and all the greats. I had a family, I had Xavier in Canada and Adaira, our daughter.

Pilots Of The Uprising (Pacific Rim)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora