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Hong Kong PPDC HQ, 8:49 AM, May 5th 2034

I squinted at the screen in front of me, what a peculiar little jaeger. It's fighting techniques were new, messy, childlike, but interesting, it was small, tiny in comparison to our PPDC defender, but it sure was fast.

"I want the pilot here, at the Hong Kong Shatterdome. Arrest them." I communicated to the Defender Pilot.

"Yes sir"

I leaned back in my chair. Why would anyone build a functioning jaeger, but not sell it? It was fast, sure it wasn't the most good looking jaeger, but it could do plenty of damage, if the pilot wished. So why not sell it? What was its purpose?

I pondered some more before Mako, called me over. She found the Pilot, her name was Amara Namari, and travelling with her, was Jake Pentecost. I knew Jake, I trained him as a cadet for a while, but that was many years ago, and honestly, I thought he fell off the grid entirely once his father died. But Amara Namari, that name was completely unfamiliar to me.

"Oh come on, Minerva don't dwell on it. Go meet them, they'll be here in half an hour."


I was waiting on the ledge of the higher levels of the open Shatterdome, out of sight for the moment. Ranger Zacari and Ranger Lambert were already down greeting the newbies. Well, I'd say it's about time. I leaped off the ledge, plunging down the Shatterdome, my gloved hand caught one of the many chains and swung up a few meters then landed gracefully on my knees in front of the Choppers.

"I have to say, Namari," My copper red hair still covering my face, "that little jaeger of yours, was... unique" Amara's jaw was still hanging open from my entrance.

"You're! Oh my god, you're Commander Minerva Romano, like The Romano, first female pilot ever, Pilot of the Tacit Ronin, you fought in the final attack against the breach!....sir!" I kept a straight face. Zacari looked at me, I didn't look at him.

"Indeed." I took a step towards them, "Your fighting techniques in that jaeger, were impressive...illegal, but impressive.". I turned from them to start walking away, "I shall see the both of you in training, Pentecost and Namari." I gave a curt nod of satisfaction and walked calmly off to another sector, I had to wait for Ms Shao, of Shao industries.


"I think you've made quite the impression on her." I smirked at the comment.

"I'm their commander. That's my job, if we intend to train them to be successful pilots, they need a fixed point, Ranger Zacari." I didn't turn to him, I knew it would be difficult to keep up the act if I did, it was easiest to avoid.

"You're supposed to raise them into people who fight with a cause, with character, not turn them into stone soldiers who fight just to fight." He replied. Did he just..? No he couldn't have meant..

I frowned, I opened my mouth to say something, but decided against it. We stayed in silence for a while until he sighed loudly and lowered his head. "No, Minerva I didn't mean-"

"I know perfectly well what you meant. And it's Commander, to you." I looked straight ahead, face void of emotion, back straight and hands behind my back. He sighed again. He was easy to read. He was disappointed, more in himself than anyone else. He never managed to get through to me after the war, and he couldn't figure out why. He didn't want me to be so blank all the time.

I felt bad even if I couldn't show it. But it was easier, just to keep everything inside.

The choppers arrived shortly, Newt, Liwen Shao and a couple of other armed soldiers got out.

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