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August 1st 7:30 AM, Hong Kong Shatterdome.

It was thunderstorming outside, heavily.

I was on duty to get everyone and all equipment inside the Dome, in case of damage. It was freezing and my red hair had turned a dripping auburn brown.

"Everybody inside! Come on people, let's go! Everybody in! The Dome closes in 2 minutes!" I yelled over the violent storm, wind threw people to the side, but being in a jaeger had taught me balance. People rushed to get to the safe and dry Dome, and I was starting to be a tad fed up with the storm. Within seconds the outside pads were deserted, so I decided to take a last lap around the Dome to make sure everyone was inside, and thank god everyone was because I wouldn't have wanted anyone to see me slip on the wet launch pads.

The doors were almost closed when I got back in but luckily I slipped through them just before they locked shut.

I quickly jogged to the command unit where most rangers, commanders and majors awaited their orders and there I found Zacari, Lambert, Pentecost, Mako and Marshal Quan were already hanging around in various parts of the room. Xavier walked up to me and handed me a mug of tea, I looked at it, then back up at him with a shy but grateful look. He watched me intently as I took the mug and a sip of the drink of the gods. My red hair still dripping I tried to be as discreet as I could while trying to dry out my hair with my hands, ruffling it up but to no avail, it stayed sopping wet, and I only made the frizz worse. I quietly groaned. Xavier was still watching me, now an amused smile on his face. I turned away, my face almost as red as my hair.

God I'm so stupid. I probably look crazy ugh.

"We called everyone here because we still need a supervisor for the Junior squadrent." Marshal Quan started.

"I'll do it!" Me and Zacari blurted at the same time. I shut my eyes tight. Oh no, god no this won't end well. Xavier continued to stare at me.

"Ok, look Commander, not to be rude or anything, but... have you ever even worked with kids? You know you can't be tough on them right? And I mean at all." Pentecost was trying his best at not offending me and he was doing a good job, because I was in a good mood anyways.

"Don't worry. I'm not completely stone-hearted." and with that, I decided I have had enough embarrassment for the day and strutted off to properly deal with my hair, everybody's eyes fixed on me. Once the door shut behind me, I stopped to hear their voices.

"Alright, was.. Was that just me? Or did Minerva Romano, Commander Minerva Romano, just....make a joke?"

"Nope, I heard it too." That was Xavier. "Something's going on. She's never showed so much emotion in one sitting."

"Well Xav, good luck working with her. I have a feeling you'll be seeing, a lot of...disturbing things, such as the episode we've all experienced today." said Lambert.

"Oh stop. I think it's wonderful how she's showing her feelings." I could practically hear Mako's smile in her voice when she said that, and on the journey to my private quarters, for the first time in a very long time, I found it hard to suppress my smile.


--- Xavier.

Meeting the Juniors was actually quite entertaining. Minerva wasn't with me at the moment because she wasn't finished her training session with the cadets, but she told me she would be here soon. The Juniors were all lined up, they all had a few things in common, long hair, smushed faces, somewhat short stature, and very untoned figures, which was to be expected.

But there was one girl that stood out. She was tall, she looked older than the rest, and she didn't have the same excited face as the others, she was excited yes, but her look was more, subdued. Laid back. But was stranger than that, was her appearance, she looked strikingly similar to me.

When she caught me watching her she looked up, a flicker of admiration in her eye. She looked like she wanted to say something, desperately, but she didn't. I kneeled in front of her.

"And what's your name?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"Adaira. Sir." She said, as if I should've recognized her. She giggled. I was quite surprised, the juniors never use 'sir' until they're taught later on, they mostly use 'mister'.

"Well Adaira, have you ever met a pilot before?" I want to test how much this kid knows. She visibly hesitated then replied.

"No Sir." Her smiled wavered. I gave her a long look, like I knew she was lying.

"Hmm." I extended and stood full height in front of them, wondering where the hell Minerva was. The Door opened. I sighed in relief, and watched her for a moment as she walked in. Her red hair was fluttering about her face as she walked, and she seemed to be trying to hide her smile. What had happened to her lately? I mean I sure as hell am not complaining but what in the world...

Adaira's eyes drifted to her and she gasped in excitement. I looked at the girl, then back at Minerva. Yep they've definitely met before. Minerva looked at Adaira, then the other kids and.. Smiled. She literally smiled like she used to smile when she was 19, like she'd seen Persephone.

I may have zoned out while she was talking and crouching near each kid, I liked to admire her when she didn't notice. And god, I hadn't seen her so happy since we dated, and that was years ago.

A few moments later, she turned back around, and stood tall next to me.

"We'll be taking care of you for now, so off we go to have lunch then juniors!" the kids rushed off, most probably to get lost somewhere in search of food. Except, of course, for Adaira, who took Minerva's hand and mine in the other, gently guiding us to the mess hall to eat.

Minerva looked fondly down at her then exhaled, and looked me in the eyes with the tiniest of smiles, and said,

"I told you I wasn't stone hearted." She sounded like she'd accomplished her last mission.

"I know you're not stone hearted, Minerva."

Minerva tried to hide her growing smile, and Adaira wore it proudly.

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