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Hydra stood in amidst the ruins of the SandWing prison. Beside him, wounded and scowling, was Cactus; wings shredded, two claws and a horn snapped in half, and fresh claw marks along his side and back. Disappointing. 

"Disappointing," said Hydra simply, echoing his own thoughts. He picked up a piece of rubble and examined it between his claws. The animus was more powerful than anyone has thought. If he was going to make this go the right way, he needed to focus. Perhaps they should get the Master in on it. He might know what to do. 

 "It wasn't my fault," whined Cactus. "You never even mentioned there was an animus involved. What the moons did he do to my claws!" He glanced at his talons fearfully. 

 Hydra turned to face the SandWing. Cactus was small for his size, true, but next to Hydra, whose horns brushed the ceiling, he looked like a dragonet. 

 "You had one job," snarled Hydra. He picked up the body of a SandWing guard in one hand. Cactus gulped, terrified. "And you failed." 

The huge SeaWing squeezed hard, and the guard's torso was wrenched in half. He let the twisted body drop with a loud crunch noise. Cactus stared up at Hydra, the remains of his wings shaking. "Let this be a lesson to you, SandWing," Hydra growled. 

He threw the rock into the air, and it shot off, searching for the lost dragonets. "There are games being played here on so many levels." He took a step closer. Cactus stumbled back, disoriented without the balance of his wings, and tripped backwards onto the wall. "Surely no one would miss a single pawn." 

 Cactus grasped at his own throat suddenly. He choked, slowly, and when he was dead, Hydra soared out of the SandWing prison ruins and into the moonlight deserts.

Standing in the middle of a dune was a tall, blood-red SkyWing. He turned at Hydra's approach, scowling. 

 "You are late," he growled as the huge SeaWing landed on the ground next to him. 

Hydra shrugged.  "Things got complicated. Cactus is dead." 


 "You know, the SandWing who I mistakenly thought could keep the dragonets contained." 

 "I told you he was a bad choice." 


 The two huge dragons sat on the dune. After ten minutes, a rock flew from the clouds into Hydra's talons, instantly unfolding itself into a small message-scroll. The SkyWing peered over with glowing orange eyes. 

"And what is that?" he demanded. Hydra grinned. Finally, Warmonger had come through. 

 "This, dear Forge," he said, "is a plan."

THE END (for now?...)

Wings of Fire: The Shifting SandsWhere stories live. Discover now