Chapter 3

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"I think I speak for all the boys that we all want to know more about you , so how about we play 21 questions? Zach asks 

"Sure " I reply

"What is your middle name"zach  asks

"Marie, I thought you knew this" I laughed

"Oh shoot"

" Great man you just wasted a question" Daniel says the he adds "Are-" He gets interrupted by Jack who says "Are you single" I give him an 'oki' look then I said "no" 

"And don't even get any ideas boys" Logan quickly answers then adds "Guys ask her some juicy questions not basic info" then I gave Logan a death stare and a 'you better shut up before I murder you on accident' look and then he gave me a 'that doesn't scare me look' and then I gave him a 'you should bro' and then the boys say "You should bro" its like they can read my mind like wtf. "You boys are so innocent, here let me send you all a pic of 21 questions from online" Logan said 

Picture Logan sent to the boys:

"Ummm Logan dont you think those are harsh" Daniel said

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"Ummm Logan dont you think those are harsh" Daniel said

"Noo come on" Logan said then I told them to ask away then they began one by one "okay so 3rd question, Have you ever cried yourself to sleep" Jonah asks and I reply with a yes then jack begin "4th question, may I remind you this are Logan's suggestions, um-um What your longest relationship?" then I said "6 months"  Corbyn then says "YO guys I'm getting hungry" then Zach says "Well then lets order pizza, what does everyone want" Logan, Daniel,Jonah and I said plain then Corbyn and Jack said there usual. "okay lets continue" Daniel says then adds "Violet do you have/want a tattoo" then I say "hehe, yes I do have one and I want another one" Logan is shocked because he didn't know I got a tattoo then he said "show me "


"Is this about when - " I stopped Logan and said "Yes, it is " The boys just sat there looking confused

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"Is this about when - " I stopped Logan and said "Yes, it is " The boys just sat there looking confused. 

"Have you ever broken up with someone" Daniel asks

"Yes , I have once" "Next question" I said

"I already know the answer to this but have you ever self-harmed" Jack asks

I stand there shocked and I weakly reply "H-h-how?" 

"WHAT" Zach yelled then he came close to me and lifts up my other sleeve which doesn't have the tattoo to reveal cuts

All the boys look at me and then I look at Logan  "Why would you ask them to say that" I yelled in tears 

" I did not know that question was on there sis I am so sorry" Logan said

"I am so sorry, I didn't know what else to say as a question and when I said I knew the answer I thought you were going to say no" Jack says with his eyes filled with tears

"Its okay, you didn't know" I say

"If you don't mind me asking but why"

"When you know so I might as well tell you guys, well I don't need this anymore" I said and took off my sunglasses to reveal my eyes and everyone was shocked


"Less than 2 years ago, I starting dating this guy named Liam and everyone warned me to stay away but I was too blinded by 'love'

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"Less than 2 years ago, I starting dating this guy named Liam and everyone warned me to stay away but I was too blinded by 'love'. He raped me but again I was too blinded so I gave him a second chance then he forced me to have a threesome with his friend Noah. I also let it slide then one week later I went to his room and found him cheating on me apparently the whole 6 months we were dating, when I caught him cheating there were 8 naked girls in the room and then he asked me to join, I said no and slapped him hard including the girls but as I was doing that Liam grabbed me, told the girls to chain me to the bed and leave then he raped me again but luckily Logan  came in the room and beat the shit out of him, he punched him so hard that he had to go to hospital, then his friend Noah and other came at my house one day and kidnapped me and I was hostage for one month because they took me to Canada and Jake found me there because I managed to contact him by giving him my location. Everyone who was involved was arrested and Liam and Noah got the death sentence which was 9 months ago. I attempted suicide 7 times but on my forth one Logan caught me and in shock I fell and the razor hit my right eye with is why a have a white line passing across my right eye. I was on life support for 7 months with a coma which I was slowly dying but when I was dying I got a lot of strength and woke up, then I was released and continued to go to therapy. I went back to school and started to get bullied so I starting cutting again, but again Logan caught me and so I got a tattoo but told noone except my therapist. This tattoo is supposed to be here so if I ever think about cutting I look at this and stop" I said and I could see that everyone was in tears and there was 5 minutes of silence when I started again

"The reason why I wear sunglasses is to hind the white mark on my eye from everyone and to hind my emotions from everyone else. The Doctors said that my eye is healed but the white mark is permanently on my eye but it will get lighter and lighter"

Everyone wakes up and hugs me then Jack says "Please don't think about doing it again, please" I nodded and faked smiled. Logan noticed so he said that we should go home I agreed I hugged the boys and said goodnight


I know this was emotional and I was crying writing this. If you ever have suicidal thought please tell someone you truly trust about this

~xoxo Not tellingn my name

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