Chapter 6

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~Previously ~



"OMG.... I say this once again Karma's a bitch" I said laughing. You see Erika told me that I would get this and me being me I put a bet on it. If I got it I would pay her $200 but if she got it she would pay me $200 not that I need the cash but its fun.

Erika rolled her eyes and said "Well the game is not over you can easily get it as well" and once she said that I facepalmed myself. SHIT I mumbled

"What was that sweetheart"Erika said with a smirk

"Nothing" I said 

"TAKE IT OFF" Jake screamed and I hit him with a 'stfu look'

"Not cool bro, I sometimes wonder how I'm your sister" I said as Jake eye rolled me. Erika got in her underwear and I said "Better hope that a certain someone *cough* Jake *cough* doesn't forget that we are on camera" and with that I winked.

"Guys guys lets continue" Nick said

"whose next" Chad asked

"CHANTONY" I screamed

Chance and Antony spinned the spinwheel and it landed on Make a full on make-out session with Jake's foot. I laughed so hard that I was now laughing on the floor until Chance came up to me with a bucket of water and pured it on me.

"Thanks, that was refreshing" I said without going all psycho on Chance

"You better run bro" Jake said

"5-4-3-2-1" Antony said, he barley finished saying one went I tackled Chance and then I said "justice has been served by yours truly" and winked at the camera.

Jake gave me a 'bish what' face and I just rolled my eyes, like seriously I'm surprised how my eyes haven't got stuck yet with on this rolling

"At least I'm not the one having a full on make out session with a foot or that their foot has more kissing skill" I said with a smirk referring to Jake, Chance and Ant 

"Just get this over with we don't have all day" Kade said. Chance took Jake's left foot and Antony took Jake's right foot as much as I would love to see this I couldn't you just had to be there it was like a jelly fish and a turtle making out or worse. TOO MUCH OF A VISUAL OOPS (any liza koshy fans out there, hello)

~I'm too bored to right a full on dialogue on what happened cause that will take like 30+chapters and this is a wdw fanfic so I'm just gonna say what everyone got~

I got: Get your bellybutton pierced, Get a tattoo  and Dye your hair but let your fans choose the colour. Honestly I think I got the best 

Erika got: Stay in your underwear till the rest of the game, lap dance on someone and kiss a random girl/guy (should have seen Jake's face when she did that honestly priceless)

Jake got: Eat the leftover from two months ago, Wedgie, Get a tattoo

Kade got: Get run over, Have a full on make-out session with Jake's foot, stay in your underwear till the rest of the game

Chance got: Have a full on make-out session with Jake's foot, lap dance and prank text the last person you texted

Antony got: Have a full on make-out session with Jake's foot, dye your hair, Get a wedgie

Nick got : Kiss a random girl/guy, Get a tattoo, Have a full on make-out session with Jake's foot, Get a random girl/guy's number.

Chad got: Get run over,wedgie, Full on make-out session with Jake's foot

After we played we had to go so I could get my bellybutton pierced, Me and Antony to get our hair dyed and Me,Jake and Nick to get a tattoo

~At a hair salon~ Cause no way in hell am I going to let one of these brainless tots to colour my hair.

I got:

My fans where sweet but not for Antony :

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My fans where sweet but not for Antony :

My fans where sweet but not for Antony :

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Then we went to Romeo's to get tattoos 

I got a simple heart on my ring finger since I didn't want to get killed by Logan or my mum heh

Jake got his whole leg almost, Mum is gonna kill him.

Nick got a youtube tattoo and then Chad wanted to get one because he felt like it and got my name tattooed. That a had to post it on insta


Sorry I haven't posted in a while heh


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