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The body is certainly affected by emotion. The emotions include anger, joy, anxiety, sorrow, grief and shame.

As regards to anger, it heats up the body and dries it up. "Those who restrain their anger!" He exclaimed. There are men who master themselves when they are angry, if they are bad-tempered they should control themselves so that the anger will not overcome them and make them act under influence.

Now, as for joy, it's characteristic is to strengthen inward energy. If it is excessive, it may kill a man by making his soul depart.

But as for anxiety and sorrow, these are the roots of relentless fevers. Whoever suffers from these a lot, his body grows ill. Please note the difference between anxiety and sorrow. The former involves something that is expected to come or to go, while the latter relates to something that has already happened or to something that is already over.

For grief, it is associated with a present state of affairs. So a man who suffers a lot from grief should busy himself with what makes him forget. If affliction weighs you down then don't let it terminate you.

As regards to shame, this is the emotion that is experienced when a man is ashamed of himself. He should respond to his actions in a way which doesn't allow it to burden him.
Dark, thunderous clouds fill the sky. Even the slightest glimpse of sunshine is quenched by the cumulonimbus (thundercloud). You take a step of faith and walk outside. Big balls of frozen ice begin to fall, hitting you one by one. It hurts. It doesn't make sense.

Keep walking . . .

The dark clouds seem to close in around you. Each step is harder and more treacherous.

Keep walking . . .

The further you walk, the harder it gets. "This plodding is so rot with pain," you mumble as you look ahead. There in the distance is a ray of sunlight. You remember that beautiful inheritance. You know it's coming.

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