Chapter 2

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Elena woke up at eight thirty in the morning. She quickly got up and got dressed. She wore the dress that she bought yesterday as well as the heels. After getting dressed, she brushed her hair and her teeth. When she was done, she grabbed her purse and cellphone and walked out the door, making sure to lock it behind her.

She caught a cab and asked if she could be taken to Copeland Industries. The cab driver scoffed at the location but Elena quickly brushed off his remark.

When she got to the building, She gazed up in amazement. She handed the driver a twenty dollar bill and a five dollar bill and made her way inside the office. Surprisingly, there was no one at the front desk so Elena took the opportunity to hurry and get on the elevator. When she was on, she looked at all the buttons, pressing the one that said CEO above it. After waiting patiently, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing a sophisticated looking office. Several people stared at the random teenage girl who suddenly appeared on their office floor.

Elena looked around until she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned around and found a guy about 5'9" staring down at her with confusion. He had light brown hair with a few blonde highlights here and there and his eyes were a striking blue color. He had light skin but he wasn't very tan at all.

"Can I help you?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Um yes, I'm looking for Mr.Copeland? Is he here?" She squeaked. This guy was pretty hot and she felt nervous around him. Also because she wasn't supposed to be on this floor.

The man laughed a little before smiling at her.

"He retired two years ago. But... I can give you his phone number or address if you follow me to my office." The man challenged. Elena nodded her head twice before following the man to his office.

When she walked in, she stared in amazement. His office was pretty big. The entire west wall was a large glass window and his desk was about the size of her bed. There was a couch several feet away that seated four and then there were two chairs in front of his desk.

The man gestured for Elena to sit in on of the chairs and she did. As she sat down, she came face to face with his name tag at the front of his desk.

Jared Hale.

Elena smiled and waited for him to speak but he just stared at her.

"So are you going to give me his address?" She asked impatiently.

"Now what kind of friend would I be to Mr.Copeland if I gave his address to you without knowing your intentions?" Jared challenged.

"Well I'll have you know that Edward knows who I am. In fact, he's the one who named me." Elena retorted, waiting for Jared to make the realization.

After a few seconds, Jared's smile disappeared and he stared at the girl in front of him with a blank expression.

"You're his... daughter?" He asked slowly.

Elena nodded, a smile threatening to form at her lips.

"He never talked about having a daughter. He's never mentioned you once." Jared stated quietly. Those words sent a pang of hurt through Elena's heart. Her own father never talked about her, nor did anyone know about her.

"Well if we're being honest, he never wanted me. I assume my mother didn't either because she didn't stop him from giving me up." Elena sneered.

Jared opened his mouth to say that her mother was dead but decided not to. She should hear it from her biological father and not from a random person.

"Ok well I'll give you his address so you can go meet him. I trust that you are here for good reasons and not to pick a fight. The man's been through enough already." Jared stated as he scribbled down Edward's address on a sticky note before handing it to Elena.

Elena glanced down at the small sheet of paper and furrowed her brows.

"Who's number is this?" She asked, looking up at Jared who was smirking at her.

"Mine. I hope that while you're here, we could go grab a coffee or something. Don't tell me now, just text or call me. I'm free whenever." He replied with a toothy smile. His teeth were so white that even a piece of paper would be jealous.

"Okay. Thanks." Elena replied before giving him a small wave and walking out of his office and towards the elevator.

The entire ride down the elevator, Elena couldn't stop fidgeting with the sticky note. She was finally going to meet her biological parents.

When Elena walked outside, she waited for a cab and got in. She asked if the driver could take her to 1349 Cambridge avenue. The driver entered in the address to his GPS and Elena patiently waited for her ride to end.

When the car stopped abruptly, Elena glanced around and saw the cab was parked in the driveway of a large house. It had to be at least four thousand square feet on the inside!

Elena stepped out of the cab and handed the cab driver three ten dollar bills and listened to the can drive away as she stared at the house.

Elena slowly walked up to the front door and waited a few seconds before ringing the doorbell. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her palms were sweaty so she wiped them on her dress; she didn't want to shake her parent's hands with sweaty palms.

When the door finally opened, a guy almost in his mid fifties stood there, gaping at the girl on his front doorstep.


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