Chapter 20

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"Elena? What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at his daughter who was barely clothed.

"Please you have to help me! Go call 911! NOW! Hurry!" Elena shouted. Her father ran for the door but not before Luca came out with a gun aimed at his head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He sneered as Edward stood frozen in place. He slowly turned around and glared at Luca.

"What the hell do you want?" Edward snapped.

"Well first, I want your daughter but I also want two million dollars and a private jet to take us where no one will find us." Luca admitted nonchalantly.

Elena stared in horror as she realized that she was about to be kidnapped by her psycho ex-boyfriend.

"No! Dad please don't do this! Please! If you love me then you won't let him take me!" Elena pleaded as her father stared at her with a guilty expression.

"Shut up! Just shut up! You've already ruined part of my plan! Don't make me put a bullet in that pretty head of yours!" Luca shouted. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening them and letting out the breath.

"Either do what I say or I'll kill both you and your whore daughter! Your choice old man!"

Edward glanced at Elena one last time before he finally surrendered to Luca.

Elena was praying that Jared would come by or call but she gave up hope after a few hours. In the meantime, Luca had been out with Edward trying to empty his savings account but unfortunately, the bank only allowed one hundred thousand dollars to be transacted every week so Luca was either going to have to wait a while or deal with the amount he was given.

When they got back to the apartment, Elena noticed that Edward wasn't as tense as he was earlier. He seemed... relaxed. When Luca shut the door, everything happened so quickly that before she knew it, Elena was on the ground.

Luca was now lying on the floor with blood pooling out of his right shoulder. Edward held his gun in his hand, still aiming it at Luca but glancing back quickly several times at Elena to see if she was ok. Unfortunately, she wasn't.

When Luca and Edward were fighting with the gun, Luca pulled the trigger and Elena got shot. Blood was seeping out of the left side of her stomach but Elena couldn't feel anything until she tried to move.

Edward rushed over to her but not before pulling out his phone and dialling 911. He told the operator the situation and was told that someone would be there shortly.

Edward slowly put his hand over elenas wound to stop the bleeding.

"Due to the circumstances, I never got to ask you how you've been doing." Edward admitted to distract Elena from the pain of the gunshot wound.

"I've been better but I'm glad I got to see you again." Elena admitted with a chuckle. That's when she remembered why her and Edward haven't seen each other in a while, let alone spoke to each other.

"Madison! What if she finds out?!" Elena asked as her heart rate suddenly increased at the thought of Madison's threat a few months ago.

"Calm down! I'll deal with Madison but right now, I just want to spend some time with my daughter. That is, after you get out of the hospital." Edward added with a chuckle.

Elena smiled but before either of them could say anything more, the door burst open and the police as well as EMTs began rushing over to Elena and Luca. Elena was lifted onto a stretcher while Luca was handcuffed by the police and taken downstairs. He would be treated at the hospital and arrested later on.

When Elena was taken to the hospital, she kept asking about Jared but the EMTs kept telling her that she needed to relax and that her blood pressure was really high. Eventually Elena did calm down but the thought of Jared never escaped her mind once.

After being taken to the hospital and getting the bullet taken out of her, Elena was left alone with nothing but a prescription for painkillers. Edward came in a bit later and they chatted for a while, catching up on all the things they missed. Elena filled him in on how she was currently in college at NYU and she also explained to him who Luca was. Edward was a bit disturbed by the fact that a total stranger was having an intimate relationship with his daughter but he was relieved that Luca or Marcus, was now going to prison.

After offering Elena a ride back to her apartment and Elena declining the offer, Edward left and Elena was alone once again.

Elena pulled out her phone and tried calling Jared but he didn't answer and so Elena decided to catch a cab and go home by herself.

When she got there, she saw Jared's Audi in the parking lot. As she looked closer, she could see that he was sitting in it, looking down at something in his lap before he noticed someone watching him. He quickly got out of the car and rushed over to Elena, embracing her in a tight hug.

"Hey! I heard what happened! Are you alright?" He asked hastily. Elena smiled and nodded.

"I've been wanting to do something and I don't know if now is the right time but I feel like if I don't do it now, I'll never get the chance." Jared blurted before pulling out a small red leather box. He popped it open and then got down on one knee.

"Elena McKinnon, I realized that I've only know you for a couple of months now but that's no excuse as to how I feel about you. I'm madly in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me?"

Elena's breath hitched in her throat but she already knew her answer. It was one that Jane and Elliot probably wouldn't approve of and one that she might be unsure of later on but right now, she was sure that it was the right answer.


Soulmates: Part TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz