Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
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"Savannah, you're going to be late!"

I was mid-yanking on a skirt when the call came shouting at me. I wrestled with it, pulling the skirt over my rounded stomach.

"Coming, coming." I muttered at Greg who was seated in my kitchen. I was starting to sweat and I momentarily fanned at my forehead before shoving my feet into a rounded pair of flats. I had woken up late and struggled through the hectic makeup routine, before throwing my hair up in a ponytail which was already hanging halfway out.

I charged out into a hallway, waddling like crazy as I juggled with my purse. "Let's go! If I'm late, I'm going to be murdered or something. You never know with that man."

The last part was mumbled under my breath. Greg only watched me amused, arching an eyebrow at my disheveled state. "Hopefully there's no traffic. And this is LA, Sweetheart, guranteed there is."

"Oh, shush." I waved a hand at him to silence him, trying to ignore the anxiety brewing in my gut at the notion of seeing Jace soon. I was already moving towards the door. "Hopefully he's not in today. Who knows? Maybe he finally move on."

I resented the feeling of loss that flooded my stomach at the idea.

"Can you walk a little faster?" I complained, poking his chest as I shut the door behind him and locked it. I was still bleary eyed and I blinked rapidly to try and wake myself up. I missed caffeine more than usual this morning and I could have surely used a cup of coffee on a day like today.

Luckily the sun was shining and that increased the unusually happiness I was feeling. I had slept soundly the night before, the exhaustion finally catching up to me. Every couple of weeks I would crash, my inability to sleep well leading up to it.

"To the car!"

"Someone's chipper." Greg chuckled under his breath and swung his arms, loosening in his shoulders.

"Ready to get today over with. And it's beautiful out!" I hopped in the passenger seat - as well as a third-trimester pregnant woman could - and buckled in.

Greg shook his head and started the engine. "We were thinking about taking Alex to the beach later tonight if you want to come."

"I'll probably tired." It was a partial lie. The truth was I hated going out in public. I didn't have the energy to go out and try to enjoy myself. It was impossible to shake out of the depressed cloud I usually found myself surrounded by.

"Well, just something to keep in mind." He turned to offer me a smile. "I'm sure Alex misses you."

He switched the blinker on as I pondered his words. "You know I can babysit right? If you guys ever want a night off."

He pursed his lips and I knew he was thinking my words over, if my paranoia was stable enough to watch over his child. "We could do that. I've been wanting a date night for awhile."

I nodded, deciding to not speak further on the subject. I knew how fragile I was and I could see how much Greg still looked at me like I still was.

"You feeling good about today so far?"

I played with my hands, staring down at them as I nibbled on my lip. "I can handle it."

Truthfully, I wasn't sure I could. But, I reassured myself I could quit and choose to never see him again if I wanted to.

As we pulled up to the building where Greg would drop me off, I inhaled slowly, trying to shake of the nausea that was beginning to overpower me.

I could do this. I knew I could.

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