Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

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I was never forgotten.

In hindsight, I had always known that. Though, it was effortless to allow myself to hide that portion of my reality behind a cloak in my mind. He would always be keeping tabs on my whereabouts, and that I had known, but there had always been some kind of obscure hope that he would do otherwise.

I wasn't blind. The knowledge of how careful I had to be was burned into my mind. The call last night had been a dose of reality tossed in my face.

I pondered that as I set my purse in the passenger seat of Greg's car. He had offered to let me use the vehicle, since he wasn't working at the firm anymore and most likely wouldn't need it much. I could feel the strings of his protectiveness loosening, his guard softening as life continued to pass by uneventfully.

I was sick of burdening Greg with the dire burden of my situation; with Ricardo, the danger. He had a child involved now - a family - I wanted him to weaken his ties with me more than ever.

Which was why I was finding it so difficult to tell him about the damn conversation I had last night.

Which I would.


Would Greg go down easily on the subject?


Greg was content, relaxed - happy even. Mentioning it would only alter him into a much darker mindset, something that saddened me more than I could express. I started the car, shoving the key into the ignition.

The key I wouldn't have if I had told him about the call right away.

Another wave of guilt passed over me, jump-starting my morning sickness and I swallowed down a wave of nausea.


Tonight I would tell him.

I was being extra careful today. I had chosen a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and applied more makeup than I was usually comfortable wearing. My hair was pulled up to showcase the fake tattoo that I had reapplied promptly after the alarming phone call I received. The blouse I was wearing stretched out tight over my stomach, showcasing bump in a grand fashion.

My eyes were partially swollen from the tears, which hadn't wanted to stop, after last night. I hoped the lenses were enough to disguise the weathered-side of my appearance.

My hands had started to shake and I white-knuckled the wheel, forcing myself to drag a breath in.

I just couldn't think about it. I didn't need the distractions. All I needed was to play my part, do my job, and get the hell out.

Was I hyperventilating?

Quite possibly so.

I entertained the thought of leaving right this moment. Taking off to Tahiti, or Indonesia, or Timbuktu, and never seeing anyone again. Starting a new life somewhere else - alone. I would forget about all of them; Jace, Ricardo, Ashley, Brooke, Stella, my goddamn-parents. I would wipe my memory from them and live on a beach, drinking margaritas while wiggling my toes in the sand. I would spending my days reading thick novels with a wide range of subjects.

I would take care of my baby.

A kick aimed towards my ribs made me both wince and smile at the same time.

Good morning to you too.

I sighed, my head dropping back against the headrest behind it and my hand briefly leaving the steering wheel to trace a circle over where that little kick had been.

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