Chapter 01

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"Who is it, Master Fung?" Omi chirped

"Is it a Girl?" Kimiko asked, hoping to tone down all the testosterone.

"Is it a pretty girl!?" Raimundo asked, getting elbowed by Kim, "Uh, a pretty girl who's not insane and evil?"

"Yes! I do not want to be sliced in the butt again!" Omi quickly added.

"I think ya mean stabbed in the back, lil' man." I spoke with a smile.

"OOOH! I am so very excited to not be on the bottom of the food chain!" Ping-Pong jumped up and down in pure joy.

Master Fung smiled at the anticipation in the room, "Clay can explain best, it is his cousin, after all."

All eyes were on me.

"Well ya see my cousin Tabby started noticin' weird stuff happenin'. 'Bout a week ago she got in a fight with my auntie Brenda and suddenly a metal pipe busted out of the wall and flew across the room when she started stompin' her foot." I explained.

Raimundo grumbled, "Great another big bad Texan, the chicks from there are way too rugged..."

"Actually I'm from Pennsylvania." A voice that sounded all to familiar was heard from behind us.

Ping-Pong bounced more rapidly, "Ah, you were right Raimundo, it is a pretty girl!"

Rai grinned, embarrassed and Kimiko elbowed him again.

"Tabby! It's been way too long." I grinned and pulled her into a tight hug, lifting her from the ground.

"Hey there Clay!" She giggled.

"Welcome, Tabitha Rogers, dragon of metal." Master Fung smiled at her.


I grinned shyly at the group after Clay set me down.

"Uh, good to be here! Odin knows my mother was worried witless when that pipe came flying past us."

Clay rolled his eyes, "Still readin' all them Norse mythology books, aren't ya?"

I nodded and the only other female in the room stared at me.

"Another girl AND you're well read? I can tell we're gonna get along great! I'm Kimiko." She beamed down at me, seeing as I was two inches or so shorter.

"No no no! Not another girl! They have far too many silly things clouding their minds!" A small cheese ball headed boy yelled.

"Don't mind Omi, he doesn't have much experience with girls." The brunette boy grinned at me flirtatiously.

"You mean you didn't kiss Kimiko!?" The smallest boy spoke in genuine surprise, readjusting his glasses.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Kimiko shouted.

"I should go and punch the grain!"

"Hit the hay." The previously flirty boy rolled his eyes.

"Wait! Brother Omi!" The two cheese-balls fled from the room.

"Anyway, I'm Raimundo, but feel free to call me Rai." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Hello, and sorry to say you're not really my type." I smiled awkwardly.

Clay just laughed in the background.

"C'mon, you can bunk with me till we find you you're own room!" Kim dragged me by the wrist away the three males, Rai looking rather crest fallen.

"So you're the dragon of metal, huh?" She asked, "Well, not a dragon yet but you know what I mean."

"Apparently" I smiled.

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