Chapter 6

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I gasped when Jack smashed his lips down onto mine, and he clearly was going to use that to his advantage. He took the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue.

It was a bit rough, but sweet and filled with passion all at once. His hand found the back of my neck with his other on my waist and he pulled me impossibly closer. I finally relaxed and placed my hande on his shoulders and I could feel his grin against my lips.

My mind was racing. Jack loves me? Oh my god Jack loves me!

Jack broke the kiss after what seemed like years but I knew it was only a minute or so.

"J-Jack, I..." I trailed off, my brain still a jumbled mess.


With that shout Jack was punched in the gut by Clay.

I grabbed his arm as Jack groaned and rubbed the forming bruise.

Jack glared at Clay and handed me the carrier and shoved the cage and misc accessories at Clay and left in his jet without another word.

Clay looked down at the items in his arms puzzled.

"You stupid idiot! What the hell? I was about to tell him-!"

Clay cut me off, "You were gone for four hours! We thought he kidnapped you!"

"Kidnapped me!? I love him! I was with him of my own will!" I shouted before storming into the temple, past Rai, Omi and Ping-Pong. I pulled out the chinchilla and held it close, trying not to cry.


I stomped back over to them, pointing to the fluff ball in my arm, "Does it LOOK like he was holding me hostage!?" I was beyond furious.

The tears finally fell and Kimiko walked out into the hall, glaring at the now four males since Clay had entered, and he had a look of guilt on his face.

"Tabby I'm-" Clay started while staring down at the items in his arms.

"YOU DON'T GET TO BE SORRY!" I yelled and put the albino rodent back in the carrier, setting it on my futon in my room, then storming back out and snatching everything from Clay.

I struggled to carry everything and was halfway to my room when someone took the cage from me. I looked up to see Rai with a sympathetic smile.

"I figured you were just on a date." He said, setting the cage down against my bedroom wall.


We set up the cage in silence and I placed the chinchilla in it with a sad smile.

"What's the little dude's name?" Rai asked.

"I think I'm gonna name him Jackson~!" I spoke with forced happiness.

Kim walked in with a frown, "You really do love him, huh?"

I blushed a bit, "Yeah..."


A week. A whole damn WEEK.

Nothing from Jack, no new Wu...nothing. I spent most of my time crying on my futon cuddled up to Jackson.

"Tabby! Dojo has sensed a new shen gong wu!"

I stood and put Jackson back, silently following Ping-Pong.

Master Fung explained the new Wu, the Nyaginata. It was a traditional Japanese pole arm but-

"It's like the monkey staff."

"It turns the wielder cat like?" I asked suddenly.

Something about it seems familiar...

"Yes, exactly." Master Fung answered, but I could tell he was leaving something out.


I hopped off Dojo and spotted the Nyaginata, that familiar feeling buzzing in my head again.

I heard Jack's voice from above, "MINCE THEM!"

I kicked the head off a bot and ran for the Nyaginata, diving for it. It shone and I looked up to see Jack glaring at me. I flinched a bit at the glare but stood my ground.


"Tabitha", I frowned when he used my full first name, "I challenge you to a showdown! My shroud of shadows against your eye of Dashi."

I nodded.

"Game is simon says, LETS GO, XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!" He yelled, still glaring.

I just stared at the ground as the area changed.

I finally looked up to see the Nyaginata floating in front of us when Jack yelled, "GON YI TENPAI!"

The weapon began pointing itself in different directions, then waiting for us. I pointed in those directions with Jack doing the same.

Up, left, left, right, up.

Up, left, left, right, up, down.

Up, left, left, right, up, down, up.

Jack wasn't doing the best and next thing I knew he had vanished and tripped me.


These damn emotions, I don't want to feel anything anymore.

Tabby was doing far better than I so I crouched down and swept my leg at her feet, tripping her. But she grabbed my cloak as she fell, bringing me down on top of her.

"H-Hey! Let me go, damn it!"

"Jack, I'm so sorry." She looked up at me.

"Save it. I get it, you don't return my feelings." I averted my gaze and tried to get up, but her arms were suddenly around my middle.

"Jack that's not it at all...I do love you, doofis." She spoke just above a whisper.

It took me a bit to register exactly what she said.

"You do!?" I was really hoping she wasn't pulling my leg here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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